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What should I buy first?


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Hey guys,


I need some help from some of the more experienced pvp sentinels out there. I'm getting close to level 50 (lvl 49 atm). I'm capped for ranked commendation and warzone commendations. I know I get access to the entry level 50 pvp set, but I'm pretty sure that until I get better gear, I'll get face rolled in warzones for a while. What I want to know is what should be my first purchase with the commendations that I have? What will make the biggest difference in the early on?

Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to reply, it's much appreciated.

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The order in which you get your gear is not all that relevant. However, some do's and don'ts: Don't get EWH earpiece or implants (their only utility is switching out stats when changing specs, i.e. switching from WH power earpiece to EWH crit earpiece when switching from focus to combat or watchman). Don't bother getting the WH relics because unlike most pieces (same as like earpiece and implants) they aren't required to buy the EWH relics, but unlike the earpieces and implants, the EWH relics are actually a substantial upgrade from WH, compared to most pieces' improvement from WH to EWH, which isn't much. I would get the 2 EWH relics fairly early in your gearing. Perhaps buy the EWH main hand saber with your maxed out ranked comms once you hit 50, and then you almost have enough to buy the 1st EWH relic- only costs 1250 ranked and a couple hundred wz comms. For the most part, I wouldn't convert any wz comms to ranked comms until youre about full WH, worry about EWH later.
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(their only utility is switching out stats when changing specs, i.e. switching from WH power earpiece to EWH crit earpiece when switching from focus to combat or watchman).

Well the wh crit/surge earpiece is actually better then the ewh crit/surge earpiece although i guess it depends how you use accuracy elsewhere in your gear whether or not the ewh ones will be worth using.. I'm going to guess that for the price.. no.

Only class that has a really good implant for ewh is smuggler/agent in my experience >.>

Edited by AngusFTW
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