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Several suggestions that I think will improve gameplay


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(1) Allow players to bring more than 1 companion into flashpoints to fill team member slots

The reason for this is that some of us like to repeat flashpoints several times to complete our flashpoint armor sets, which can be annoying to other players and there isn't players always free to assist with flash points.


(2) Give us the option to turn off and on the "Proton Torpedo Tube" special upgrade during space combat.

The reason for this is when we get this upgrade we can't use normal missiles until the proton ones are used up which greatly limits missile use. My character which is lv 50 has had this upgrade remove because of this problem.


(3) Give us living mounts.

Like the title says I would like a living creature to us as a mount for example a dark side player could have a "Tuk'ata" as a mount.



(4) Warzone tell us which one we are joining.

I'm sure that alot of players have warzones they love and hate, which can be very annoying when you get one you hate and when you exit you have to wait a while until you go again since you left during a match.


(5) More crew skill slots.

Those of us who are into crafting or who just use it for flashpoints would find it useful to have more slots allowing us further options.


(6) Ship skins.

I think players would like different skins for their ships for both the outer appearance of their ships and inside.

These are the current suggestions that come to mind I will add more if any come to mind. Also I don't mean to look like other class ship for example how would players feel about a bio-mechanical ship theme.


(7) Rework the new heroic space missions.

What I mean by this is please either reduce the difficult of these mission, enhance the strength of ship components, release higher grade ship components or all three. The reason for this is the difficulty of these new mission is ridiculous high I think I only completed one of them and if you are dying all the time you are taking the fun out of space missions. :(


(8) Make a RPG server a RPG server!

Now I want to make clear I don't mind having the warzones on the RPG server because it is a clear objective but due to this new Gree event I find it ridiculous in having players that basically camp at the end point of the PvP mission just to attack other players when this isn't part of the mission objectives. Please Bioware for those of us who use the RPG server put something in place to prevent these kind of players of harassing other players who just want to complete their mission objective without any PvP combat.


(9) Legacy equipment converter

Now I am sure that players that have multiple characters will like the option of converting their their legacy equipment back to their fragment state so they can trade it for other class legacy equipment. The reason I suggest this is the fragments are very rare and our characters will eventually out grow these items and unless every character we create is within the same class then we have a limited selection of legacy equipment.


(10) The crafting materials have their own storage that is account wide, that is accessed by all character in account/legacy.

I saw this feature implemented in "Guild Wars 2" and it was very useful, allowing characters to help supply crafting materials for other character. (I seriously hope the put this feature in at some point)


(11) Account/Legacy bank

I don't think I need to say any more since alot of threads requested this feature that will take out the hassle involved in send items between your characters .


(12) Flashpoint collection interface

I like this new feature that allows us to get items cheaper for our alternative characters, I would like a similar feature for flashpoint gear paying with in game money. I know that I am not the only one to feel frustrated when I try to complete flashpoint gear on one character I get stuff useful another of my alts. This feature would be useful for players with multiple characters both old and new players.


(13) Allow level 55 to access previous operations levels

The reason I want to put forward this suggestion is players that have played operations know how hard it is to gather players for a operation, since the new ops have been added level 55 player can't use group finder for previous ops. This is annoying for me since I am trying to play the ops in story order but since my character is level 55 I can't use group finder, have to do it manually which I am not having much luck with. :(


(14) Have the new feature in the seed "binocular & Search droid" missions used in Flashpoints & Heroic areas

Now player who have recently played the "Seeds of Madness" mission will have noticed that some mission have areas that adjust to group number, this means that the dropped rewards and enemy difficulty changes to how many players are in the mission. I seriously hope that bioware implement this feature in current heroic mission and flashpoint considering it is a alternative way to grant my 1st request. :)


(15) Give player warning if choice during a group mission effects personal story.

I don't think I am the only player annoyed by this when doing a mission and the group you are with goes for different choice than me and then later I find that it has affected my characters personal story. Bioware should give warning and a option to exit the conversation so we can lead it towards our choice while the group does theirs.


So what does the other players think of what I said so far...



Edited by Fadeseeker
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(1) Allow players to bring more than 1 companion into flashpoints to fill team member slots

The reason for this is that some of us like to repeat flashpoints several times to complete our flashpoint armor sets, which can be annoying to other players and there isn't players always free to assist with flash points.


(2) Give us the option to turn off and on the "Proton Torpedo Tube" special upgrade during space combat.

The reason for this is when we get this upgrade we can't use normal missiles until the proton ones are used up which greatly limits missile use. My character which is lv 50 has had this upgrade remove because of this problem.


(3) Give us living mounts.

Like the title says I would like a living creature to us as a mount for example a dark side player could have a "Tuk'ata" as a mount.



(4) Warzone tell us which one we are joining.

I'm sure that alot of players have warzones they love and hate, which can be very annoying when you get one you hate and when you exit you have to wait a while until you go again since you left during a match.


These are the current suggestions that come to mind I will add more if any come to mind.


So what does the other players think of what I said so far...



1: That actually could work.. In fact, many people already do it.. I have run False Emperor with Theran Cedrax as the groups healer.. We cleared it.. People just have to make sure the companion has good enough gear.. I have also run flashpoints with a dps as well.. I haven't done it with a tank yet.. But then my character is a tank so that could be why.. lol :D


2: There is really nothing to change here.. Let me explain.. The photon missles can only be used against certian hard targets.. The game automatically chooses the correct missle to use.. When you are out of photons all you have left is normal missles.. With the old missions.. Any target that you can use the photon missle with is a one shot kill.. The new missions, that isn't so any more.. So I would use them until they are gone and then finish up with the regular missles.. Not using them is a loss of much needed fire power.. Especially in the more difficult missions..


3: Living mounts?? What can one say?? Why am I not using a taun taun on Hoth??? Nuff said.. :)


4: Show us the warzone before we join?? I like it.. I would never play hut ball again.. Which is probably why they haven't done it.. lol :D

Edited by MajikMyst
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Two new suggestions. :D


(5) More crew skill slots.

Those of us who are into crafting or who just use it for flashpoints would find it useful to have more slots allowing us further options.


(6) Ship skins.

I think players would like different skins for their ships for both the outer appearance of their ships and inside.

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#1 - this WILL have the unintended consequence of fewer players queuing for FPs. Why deal with PuGs when you can solo a FP?


#2 - not entirely accurate - in between proton torpedo launches there is a span of time (while the torpedo reloads) when you can fire regular missiles. I do this all the time.


#3 - animations are going to be a problem - that is unless you can accept non-lifelike living mounts. Right now with speeders there is almost no animation required - the character just glides along. With living mounts there would have to be a bobbing up and down motion. Not difficult but very time consuming.


#4 - compromise solution: allow individuals to select which WZs they want to participate in at the expense of a percentage of valor and comms. And the fewer you choose the less valor and comms you get.


#5 - No...just NO!!! Crew skills are a reason to create alts and to interact with other players. Having more crew skills on one character diminishes those factors. You may not care about this but a LOT of players do.


#6 - this is the one thing I could go for. It would be nice for any character class to be able to acquire any ship they want. That being said, I understand why each class has its own ship - simplicity.

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  • 2 weeks later...

More suggestions:

(7) Rework the new heroic space missions.

What I mean by this is please either reduce the difficult of these mission, enhance the strength of ship components, release higher grade ship components or all three. The reason for this is the difficulty of these new mission is ridiculous high I think I only completed one of them and if you are dying all the time you are taking the fun out of space missions.



(8) Make a RPG server a RPG server!

Now I want to make clear I don't mind having the warzones on the RPG server because it is a clear objective but due to this new Gree event I find it ridiculous in having players that basically camp at the end point of the PvP mission just to attack other players when this isn't part of the mission objectives. Please Bioware for those of us who use the RPG server put something in place to prevent these kind of players of harassing other players who just want to complete their mission objective without any PvP combat.

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New suggestion:


(9) Legacy equipment converter


Now I am sure that players that have multiple characters will like the option of converting their their legacy equipment back to their fragment state so they can trade it for other class legacy equipment. The reason I suggest this is the fragments are very rare and our characters will eventually out grow these items and unless every character we create is within the same class then we have a limited selection of legacy equipment.

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  • 3 months later...

New Suggestion:

Its been a while since I added to this thread, this idea I got from playing "Guild Wars 2" found this feature very useful hope they implement this at some point.


(10) The crafting materials have their own storage that is account wide, that is accessed by all character in account/legacy.


(11) Account bank I don't think I need to say any more since alot of threads requested this feature.

Edited by Fadeseeker
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Here a idea inspired by the new feature we recently received:


(12) Flashpoint collection interface

I like this new feature that allows us to get items cheaper for our alternative characters, I would like a similar feature for flashpoint gear paying with in game money. I know that I am not the only one to feel frustrated when I try to complete flashpoint gear on one character I get stuff useful another of my alts. This feature would be useful for players with multiple characters both old and new players.



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  • 4 weeks later...

(13) Allow level 55 to access previous operations levels

The reason I want to put forward this suggestion is players that have played operations know how hard it is to gather players for a operation, since the new ops have been added level 55 player can't use group finder for previous ops. This is annoying for me since I am trying to play the ops in story order but since my character is level 55 I can't use group finder, have to do it manually which I am not having much luck with.


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(1) Allow players to bring more than 1 companion into flashpoints to fill team member slots

The reason for this is that some of us like to repeat flashpoints several times to complete our flashpoint armor sets, which can be annoying to other players and there isn't players always free to assist with flash points.


i like


(2) Give us the option to turn off and on the "Proton Torpedo Tube" special upgrade during space combat.

The reason for this is when we get this upgrade we can't use normal missiles until the proton ones are used up which greatly limits missile use. My character which is lv 50 has had this upgrade remove because of this problem.


yes you can?


(3) Give us living mounts.

Like the title says I would like a living creature to us as a mount for example a dark side player could have a "Tuk'ata" as a mount.



yes please


(4) Warzone tell us which one we are joining.

I'm sure that alot of players have warzones they love and hate, which can be very annoying when you get one you hate and when you exit you have to wait a while until you go again since you left during a match.




(5) More crew skill slots.

Those of us who are into crafting or who just use it for flashpoints would find it useful to have more slots allowing us further options.




(6) Ship skins.

I think players would like different skins for their ships for both the outer appearance of their ships and inside.

These are the current suggestions that come to mind I will add more if any come to mind. Also I don't mean to look like other class ship for example how would players feel about a bio-mechanical ship theme.



how about allowing the crating or different models


(7) Rework the new heroic space missions.

What I mean by this is please either reduce the difficult of these mission, enhance the strength of ship components, release higher grade ship components or all three. The reason for this is the difficulty of these new mission is ridiculous high I think I only completed one of them and if you are dying all the time you are taking the fun out of space missions. :(


just allow for better ship parts to be crafted through tough ops.


(8) Make a RPG server a RPG server!

Now I want to make clear I don't mind having the warzones on the RPG server because it is a clear objective but due to this new Gree event I find it ridiculous in having players that basically camp at the end point of the PvP mission just to attack other players when this isn't part of the mission objectives. Please Bioware for those of us who use the RPG server put something in place to prevent these kind of players of harassing other players who just want to complete their mission objective without any PvP combat.


id like overall seperated pvp slots and more /flag


(9) Legacy equipment converter

Now I am sure that players that have multiple characters will like the option of converting their their legacy equipment back to their fragment state so they can trade it for other class legacy equipment. The reason I suggest this is the fragments are very rare and our characters will eventually out grow these items and unless every character we create is within the same class then we have a limited selection of legacy equipment.


(10) The crafting materials have their own storage that is account wide, that is accessed by all character in account/legacy.

I saw this feature implemented in "Guild Wars 2" and it was very useful, allowing characters to help supply crafting materials for other character. (I seriously hope the put this feature in at some point)


(11) Account/Legacy bank

I don't think I need to say any more since alot of threads requested this feature that will take out the hassle involved in send items between your characters .


(12) Flashpoint collection interface

I like this new feature that allows us to get items cheaper for our alternative characters, I would like a similar feature for flashpoint gear paying with in game money. I know that I am not the only one to feel frustrated when I try to complete flashpoint gear on one character I get stuff useful another of my alts. This feature would be useful for players with multiple characters both old and new players.


(13) Allow level 55 to access previous operations levels

The reason I want to put forward this suggestion is players that have played operations know how hard it is to gather players for a operation, since the new ops have been added level 55 player can't use group finder for previous ops. This is annoying for me since I am trying to play the ops in story order but since my character is level 55 I can't use group finder, have to do it manually which I am not having much luck with. :(


So what does the other players think of what I said so far...




i like

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(14) Have the new feature in the seed "binocular & Search droid" missions used in Flashpoints & Heroic areas

Now player who have recently played the "Seeds of Madness" mission will have noticed that some mission have areas that adjust to group number, this means that the dropped rewards and enemy difficulty changes to how many players are in the mission. I seriously hope that bioware implement this feature in current heroic mission and flashpoint considering it is a alternative way to grant my 1st request.


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  • 4 weeks later...

(15) Give player warning if choice during a group mission effects personal story.

I don't think I am the only player annoyed by this when doing a mission and the group you are with goes for different choice than me and then later I find that it has affected my characters personal story. Bioware should give warning and a option to exit the conversation so we can lead it towards our choice while the group does theirs.

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