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ShenaniganZ is now recruiting!


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ShenaniganZ is now recruiting



Who we are: We are an adult casual gaming group who origanally formed on Veeboo Lunx server. After several server transfers we have decided to get the guild going again. We focus more on PVP but will still run the occasional OP/FP. Most of us are altaholics. We have teamspeak currently and you don't have to use it but you would miss out on the shenanigans if you don't get in. We don't have a bunch of rules and other things we just ask that you be drama free (we are), enjoy playing, and don't take yourself (or this game) to seriously! If we seem like a guilld you would like to check out shoot anyone with the ShenaniganZ tag name. Or you can look for Randil, R'andil, Peench, S'müsh, or Trüth. Thanks for taking a look at this post. Hope to see you all in game.

Edited by Therangerboy
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