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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Marauder Help


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marauders are a dps class that starts with a dps companion.


like the sith inquisitor starts with a tank so they have less down time. Until you get your healing companion, you will have to stop from time to time to heal. Realize also you don't have to heal just because you are at 80% health. My biggest gripe with marauders is the lack of companion synergy.


try to get adaptive gear, update the mods at the appropriate levels. Keep your companion gear up tto date and even though you will take some damage, marauders are powerhouses.

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marauders are a dps class that starts with a dps companion.


like the sith inquisitor starts with a tank so they have less down time. Until you get your healing companion, you will have to stop from time to time to heal. Realize also you don't have to heal just because you are at 80% health. My biggest gripe with marauders is the lack of companion synergy.


try to get adaptive gear, update the mods at the appropriate levels. Keep your companion gear up tto date and even though you will take some damage, marauders are powerhouses.

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marauders are a dps class that starts with a dps companion.


like the sith inquisitor starts with a tank so they have less down time. Until you get your healing companion, you will have to stop from time to time to heal. Realize also you don't have to heal just because you are at 80% health. My biggest gripe with marauders is the lack of companion synergy.


try to get adaptive gear, update the mods at the appropriate levels. Keep your companion gear up tto date and even though you will take some damage, marauders are powerhouses.


You do get your heal comp early enough on balmorra. Still, with all the self-heals and cooldown, its very doable for annihilation mara to quest with vette. It goes faster, and nothing much can threathen you, unless your gear is crap that is. Her comment sure beat quinn's.

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I am level 15 annihilation spec. When I'm fighting equal level PVE mobs I need to heal after almost every kill. Does this get better or am I doing something wrong? i use the suggested rotation from websites.


As others have said, you get your healer companion pretty quickly, but right now you're only level 15 and have yet to get many abilities that really make the class shine.

As with ANY companion you choose to use, make sure they are geared up properly and you'll have no issues leveling.

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Thanks for the relies, I feel better now :-)


Should I just buy equipment off auction house or does it make sense to craft my own? I need better light sabers badly, but my "Dark" alignment isn't high enough yet for the ones at auction house.

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remember to use cloak of pain each time you jump into a bigger set of mobs or when you see 'strong' mob with a minion or two. anni won't get nice till aronud 25th level. So, if you are desperate



use medical droid you will get after you finish Dromund Kaas, even if with Vette it's all faster, some people preffer him - trying will not hurt. and you will get Quinn on end of Balmorra.



Good luck.

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Also do yourself a favor and take some time off from questing and get up a few levels by PvPing, running FPs, and/or doing space missions. Maybe even get some of those XP boosters to maximize your time. You will end up selling off most of the loot/reward armor you get because you'll be a few levels ahead, but you'll want to get into custom shells asap so you can stay ahead with mods either via GTN or planet comms. Don't spend too much cash on upgrades though early on. You'll be leveling quickly enough up to 30. Also, don't bother taking a crafting skill and trying to keep up making your own gear. Better to take a third gathering skill and loot everything in sight(bio, scav, slicing, etc.) and sell your mats on the GTN for extra cash, or save 'em if you know what crafting prof you will want later.
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