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Any Interest in RP/PBC(Player Based Content)/PVP


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This post isn't RP by the way, more of a discussion to see if it's something this server would be interested in organizing.



I started this game at launch on one of the RP-PVP servers. A big reason why ,other than I find it enjoyable to RP in a star wars game, is because it adds loads of enjoyable content, and lets not beat around the bush here, end game content is no award winning category in this game. I used to be engaged in large RP-PVP world battles and would be apart of player based content such as raiding enemy territories, guild recruitment ceremonies, real promotional opportunities(Not just you're a higher rank because we're RL friends), and plenty more.


The Deal

I'd be more than willing to help participate in creating a RP guild on the server and organizing content, structuring a solid system that allows end game content as well as planned and spontaneous player based content. So before I commit to putting time into working with others to build guilds across Empire and Republic to try and give this server some enjoyable content I'd like to hear what some of you think and if any of you would be interested in making this effort yourself.


The Content

This is just a few events I can think of off the top of my head that where enjoyable player-based content.



Ranging from 1v1, 2v2, etc pvp in planned location with real rewards for winning teams or participants. This also can be broader than just pvp, there's also races fighting style and amazing race style. The thing that makes player based content is, it can be whatever the players want vs waiting years for bio-ware to get the cash to invest in more end game material that doesn't mimic the oh so popular mmo formula.



This also comes into play where you want it, but mostly it's an overall scenario given to set players and they go through the event as their character would. This is mostly about character development, if you enjoy creating back story and designing legacy's for your characters this is most certain to be enjoyable for you


Real Raids

Now when I say raids, most people think of a instances based dungeon where you and 8-16 people go through and fight a set of bosses with set mechanics. When I talk about player based raids I'm speaking of the real deal. Of no set number meaning 20-100 (or whatever the planet can hold) placing an attack on a set base or land. This I believe would be the most enjoyable to the widest population of our server. If you haven't had a chance to watch the video posted in these forums regarding world pvp you should. There really just isn't anything more enjoyable on a PVP server than getting a large group together and attempting to over throw your enemies base or *safe zone.




The whole point to player based content is not to wait on the developers or release a new content patch and grind out the dailies while you wait, it's to actively seek and create your own content, things you would enjoy in the game. I hope this post is able to encourage to build new ideas, new alliances, and new rivalries.


If this post or idea has enough support behind it, I think the next best course of action would be to use a outside website to begin organizing and bringing guilds together to create this content.


~May the force always be with you.

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Hi Party Time Wakalord Flex Guildmaster here and I'd be down to challenge Advance to a Kaggath


There's an idea, isn't there a place in the outlaw den where you can find your own faction? Organizing a large Kaggath, Sith Warriors vs Sith Warriors seems like an enjoyable evening.

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