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which is the main thread on


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Main thread? Check the PVP forums, there's no main thread but a lot of discussion. It all basically sums up to two arguments:


1) Expertise is good because it allows PvP power growth without making PvP gear better than PvE gear and invalidating the need to do PVE content. Yes, a person in aug EWH can do most content, but full campaign/dread guard > EWH for NM content.


2) Expertise is good because it penalizes those who want to compete at the highest levels but do not prepare themselves to do so (que before 50, stack WZ comms, get to 40 valor, convert to RWZ, when ding 50 you can move into full WH if prepared). People who fail to prepare should pay a price.


3) Expertise is good because it's a totally artificial stat that inflates baseline DR, damage, and healing, and allows in theory a poor player in top end gear to stand up to a good player in insufficient gear. While some people call this a gear-gap, the reality is that it actually alleviates power curve differences.


I have not yet seen a coherent argument as to the removal of Expertise in PVP. 90% of the arguments seem to come from people who don't want to take the time to grind to 40 and stack comms (which is so easy it's trivial) and insist on going into 50 wz in full recruit and wondering why they are being rolfstomped.

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Are you talking about clearing your advanced class skills and respecing, or changing advanced class? You can reset your skill trees for free as a subscriber any time you want, and there is even a legacy perk to enable you to do it the field. Otherwise, there are about 400 threads about it, just search for it... but the devs have responded at least twice that they're not going to enable advanced class changes, so it's pointless to post more about them. Search for it on this forum as well as community, BH, trooper and PvP and you'll find more than enough threads to post in.
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