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Understanding Power Types and Stats


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I am having a little trouble getting the picture in regards to the various types of power.


So let me get this straight :

Tech Power applies to some technological device, like a blaster or a light sabre.

Force Power applies to "casters" like Force Sweep, Force lift, etc.

Plain POWER applies across the board to healing and DPS.

Is this correct? Please elaborate as needed.


But stats apply too. And it gets tricky. For example, I see under TECH menu for my BH that Cunning applies as well as the primary stat, Aim.


So other than stepping through all the menus one by one, is there a good way to figure out what secondary stats your toon will benefit from?


Thanks for any help you can offer !!!


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I haven't played a bounty hunter, but I know Sith Assassins benefit from strength even though willpower is their main stat, however you do not add strength, ever. Add your main stat, when ever possibile. As a DPS/Healer, your secondary stats are crit, surge, power, alacrity (only classes that use a lot of casted abilities) and accuracy. As a tank, shield chance, absorbtion, defense, accuracy and power.


Additionally tech power/force power are determined by the hilt/barrell/armoring of your main hand/offhand and thus aren't something you can min/max

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The way it works is that there are four categories of damage, each of which is affected by two stats:

Tech: Tech Power + Cunning

Ranged: Weapon Damage value + Aim

Force: Force Power + Willpower

Melee: Weapon Damage value + strength


In addition, your main stat applies to the other category for your class. So if you're a bounty hunter, your aim also applies to tech damage, but cunning does not apply to your ranged damage, vice versa for an agent. Therefore, you should basically always stack mainstat over the other stat, though the off-class stat (cunning for a BH) is still somewhat useful for some of your powers.


Both weapon damage and force/tech power come from main and offhand weapons and the hilt/barrel equipped in them.


As far as other stats go, power always adds .23 damage (or slightly lesser amount of healing) per point of power (vs. .2 per point of mainstat), and the other ones are more self explanatory

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