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Can I have my cake....and shoot it too?


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Level 36 Bodyguard Merc


Started out as arsenal spec and really liked the dps role but after tiring of spending hours and hours in the group finder queue, I respec'd to bodyguard hoping to get some speedier results.


I did. Was matched almost immediately and have been keeping up the trend.


My gear at the moment is the general BH drops from Cademimu and Boarding Party - lots of aim and endurance with a mix of power and crit (power seems more prevalent on the Boarding party stuff)




1 - Being a scriber, I can respec free so cost for that isn't an issue - for regular FP healing is gearing an issue beyond making sure I at least have aim? Are any differences in power/crit mods at my lvl going to really be noticeable? Is there one I should focus on more between power and crit?


2 - Rapid fire heals around 82-88 per shot, depending on buffs, and crits for roughly 130 or so 2-4 times in a row fairly regularly (the math may be off on that, most of the time I'm pretty dialed in to what I'm doing so I don't pay attention to the numbers). My scans are good for about 1k (again, math is not my friend). At my level, can I and should I be doing better numbers than that?


3 - If at some point, I want to go back to Arsenal can I do so without replacing augments or having a 2nd set of gear?


4 - Endgame - If the answer to question 3 was "Yes" can I still go between the 2 specs at lvl 50 with minimum retrofiting?


Sorry about the wall 'o text, but I'm starting to get lost in the math

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Level 36 Bodyguard Merc



1 - Being a scriber, I can respec free so cost for that isn't an issue - for regular FP healing is gearing an issue beyond making sure I at least have aim? Are any differences in power/crit mods at my lvl going to really be noticeable? Is there one I should focus on more between power and crit?


2 - Rapid fire heals around 82-88 per shot, depending on buffs, and crits for roughly 130 or so 2-4 times in a row fairly regularly (the math may be off on that, most of the time I'm pretty dialed in to what I'm doing so I don't pay attention to the numbers). My scans are good for about 1k (again, math is not my friend). At my level, can I and should I be doing better numbers than that?


3 - If at some point, I want to go back to Arsenal can I do so without replacing augments or having a 2nd set of gear?


4 - Endgame - If the answer to question 3 was "Yes" can I still go between the 2 specs at lvl 50 with minimum retrofiting?


Sorry about the wall 'o text, but I'm starting to get lost in the math


1. sort of but the set bonus at lvl50 is more or a buffer then needed, if u geared well as a dps you should be fine to heal in the same gear minus the top end operations (EC NIM/TFB HM)


2. i don't remember it too well but unless ur not keeping up on FP then i would say your fine as long as u spec into the correct tree for your role.


3. um augments are the same for healing/dps but gear set bonus really only become really important for the top end operations so yea u could do fine with one set. on my commando i healed ec hm just fine in my dps set(i had 61+ gear on)


4. for most things the yes.

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The stats between Body guard and dps don't differ too much but the armor bonus on end game gear will hurt you. For instance dps end game gear give bonuses to tracer missile and rail shot. while the healer bonus is on healer type abilities. Alacrity is another stat that will be useful as a healer but not so much in the other specs ( Alacrity shouldn't go beyond what is taken in talents when in dps). To make a long story short... end game armor your going to have to collect 2 sets of armor to max out each role but leveling you should be ok. Edited by Choffware
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Prepare to be the stittiest one in both pvp and pve at 50.


I can't tell if that's a typo or not:rolleyes: But the urban dictionary entry was interesting at least


Anyways, thanks for replies - I figured that for endgame content I'd have to either specialize or invest twice the work to double-gear.


Now as to the differences in performance between crit and power, is one or the other generally preferred? A blend of both? Or what?

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I can't tell if that's a typo or not:rolleyes: But the urban dictionary entry was interesting at least


Anyways, thanks for replies - I figured that for endgame content I'd have to either specialize or invest twice the work to double-gear.


Now as to the differences in performance between crit and power, is one or the other generally preferred? A blend of both? Or what?


In all honesty Stress, I've healed and DPS'ed in the same set for most end game as well. unless your guild/team is pushing progression content, the gearset bonuses wont make as much a difference as player skill. so for a valid comparison, currently the only thing I really worry about gear bonuses on are HM Denova and HM TfB. I run everything else with the same set (2pc. of each for 2-2pc bonuses).


moral of the story? don't worry about it till you are hitting the top stuff. Just try to keep your gear high quality and within a few levels of where you are at.(2 for green, 5 for blue, 7 for purps) do that and your fine. Healing strat is more important then healing gear in 98% of the content (the other 2% requires gear AND skill).

Edited by Elyxin
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Thus far I've been OK in most regular FPs - only boss I've had major problems keeping a group standing with is HK, but I think that may be more of a group dynamics issue.


In all likelihood I will probably go back to DPS as I near 50, healing is fun and challenging, but honestly....its alot of pressure:confused:

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Yeah it's end game operations and end game pvp is where it the problem comes in. I was a pve healer and a dps in pvp I would switch out and respec once a week. The rail shot bonus was a must in pvp dps and the healing bonus was a must in end game operations. BUT 0-50 flash points didn't notice any diff in gear except alacrity helps healers when it really gets dicey and I did notice when I didn't have it on sometimes when healing. But it might have been the cause of 1 or 2 wipes, many more were caused by other reasons.
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I sometimes queue as a healer for the daily group finder. I usually wear my Elite War Hero DPS gear because I'm too lazy to switch. I've healed all the 50 flashpoints in hard mode as a DPS spec in PVP DPS gear. Most of the time, its a cakewalk and my healing abilities are never an issue. Most of the time, people are oblivious that I'm: (1) Not a healer (2) Not in healer gear (3) Not in PvE gear.


I'm not recommending you to play like this, but my point is that flashpoints can be healed fine by almost anyone if you know how to play. With a healer spec and columni gear, you should be fine in any flashpoint there is.


A gearing tip about switching from DPS to heals:

Try to get Ears and Implants with no accuracy (power+surge or crit+surge instead). That way you can use them in your Healer setup or your DPS setup. Try to have all your accuracy come from Accuracy Enhancements instead of the Ear or Implants. To go even further, try to have both of your guns with Power/Surge (or Crit+Surge) and no accuracy so that way the guns can be used to heal OR DPS.


This is best accomplished by having all 4 or 5 main armor pieces with an Accuracy Enhancement. That way, if you swap out DPS armor for Healing armor, you only need to change your 5 main armor pieces and not Ear/Implant/Belt/Bracer/Guns. (And you would be swapping out the main 5 armor pieces anyways for the Set Bonus. So when you swap armor for a different set bonus, you also swap the accuracy for more surge and/or alacrity.)


Doing this allows you to get a 2nd gear set at minimal cost since half the set can be used for either build.

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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