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The Way of the Sith: Empire - Looking for traitors to the Empire or mercs


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The Way of the Sith












Beware of the Dark

'The Shadows Await'












Event Information

"The Way of the Sith"



Out-of-character information



The Way of the Sith is a RP event meant for everyone who wants to attend and whoever you want to bring with you. The event may include PvP duels and much, much more. During the event the players will be able to play in a deep story and I will try to act as mediator in order to keep it as smooth as possible and free of problems (disagreements, etc).


Currently the event has two sides:


  • Loyal forces of the Sith Empire: - This side is full, please if you really want to attend to the event being loyal to the Empire, contact Erethrorn / Kryv'szela'varr first. We look for a "fair" battle, if there's any.
  • Traitors to the Sith Empire: - We're currently looking for mercs / bounty hunters / independent agents for hire or traitors to the Empire so they can help the traitors' side.



Please, as stated above, the Imperial side is full because there're too many allies, contact me if you need more information.


If you follow the rules listed below, you'll find yourself enjoying an ongoing plot and you'll be able to participate in a unique storyline.


Good hunting!






In-character information



You may have heard about what happened on Voss lately. The Crimson Moon order attacked a treacherous organization called Empire's Wrath and branded their members as traitors to the Sith Empire and the Emperor. It seems a Sith Lord named Erethrorn infiltrated in the organization and sent data to the Crimson Moon in order to stop the traitors.


Now, Empire Wrath's agents are reporting unexpected moves from the Sith Empire military. It seems an unknown Sith Lord, who keeps his name hidden, wasted no time after Erethrorn's move and he's preparing a last strike against Empire Wrath's forces using all the help he can get from the allies of the Sith Empire. In the meantime, Empire's Wrath is hiring anyone who can help to protect their interests and trying to get allies.




A tip for the Duels



- Be fair. Try spamming your basic attack against lower levels or same level opponents and use one ability from time to time.








Event Summary


Date: Thursday, January 24th [24/01/2013]


Time: From 23:00h to 00:00h CET (Central European Time) [22:00h to 23:00h GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)]


Starting Place: [CLASSIFIED]:Contact Erethrorn or Kryv'szela'varr (yeah, that's an in-game name) for the information.















Rules and Additional information






  • " The Way of the Sith: Empire " is open to everyone, bring your friends if you want.




  • In case you don't find Erethrorn or Kyv'szela'varr in-game, feel free to contact me via enjin PM.





  • The event may include PvP duels, you MUST follow the rules.




  • Everyone is free to leave or join the event whenever he/she wants. But I suggest you to provide RP reasons if you have to leave and you're role-playing.




  • Please, follow the rules listed below:



  • There will be two ways of communication. OOC: Out Of Character and IC: In Character.
    The /Guild chat, the /General chat and the /Group-/Ops chat being OOC. The /Say chat and emotes being IC ONLY.



  • It is strictly forbidden to insult/harass and in short, to be disrespectful with the other attendees "out of character".



  • It is strictly forbidden to do metagame or poweremoting. Otherwise, you'll be notified once, no more.
    *NOTE* Actions will be taken if you are metagaming / poweremoting / godmodding / griefing, the /ignore command exists for a reason.



  • Have fun!
    *NOTE* If you're not having fun you'll be sent to Tatooine, and we'll feed the Sarlacc, it'll like your taste for sure...
    And you'll suffer...
    A lot...
    And eventually you'll die.








Enjin site: swtor-rp.com/profile/1106968


Thread in swtor-rp: swtor-rp.com/progenitor/m/3305111/viewthread/5628723-way-sith-empire-looking-for-traitors-to-or-mercs




See you around,


Lord Erethrorn

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