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How the specs play (PvE)


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Hi :)


I have just rolled a JK and am wondering which advanced class is most likely to be the one for me.


My last 2 characters were MM Sniper and Pyro Merc, so basically point and go classes with very little in the way of setup. I really enjoyed the Merc, but that was massively outshone by the crazy single target damage the Sniper put out.


What I am looking for is a class where as much of my movement as possible can be covered with a jump so that I have very little manual movement to do, and ideally very little set up (I don't like having to stack debuffs before I get to attack, I just want to smash). Burst damage is also preferable because with most fights being very short that is better for levelling that sustained damage.


I know the class might not cover all the bases, but it is the only class type that I have yet to play, so I will pick whichever fits best.


Annoyingly it looks like a toss up between Combat (Burst damage if I read it right) and Focus (Or at least 11 points for Zealous Leap)


Hope you can help :)

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Well you definitely don't want watchmen because that is a ton of setup and constant cooldown babysitting.


Probably just go fotm focus like everyone else in the game. You basically leap to people and smash their faces in and everyone else within 5 meters of you for ridiculous damage. Doesn't take a lot of setup and is pretty easy mode in pvp.


Combat is my personal favorite and can be crazy good single burst dps in both pve and pvp. It doesn't require a ton of setup. You just got to do a couple abilities in the correct order to get the necessary procs but once you play it a little while it becomes pretty fluid. Can be frustrating in pvp with all the bubble stuns and cc in the game as you have to be able to stick with your target for multiple CDs to really get a good burst train going on them. But such is the life of melee these days.

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Thankfully I hate PvP so that isn't an issue (And if I want to PvP I have a Sniper for that) but I am trying very hard not to jump on the FotM bandwagon with this one (I left the game originally when SI's got nerfed as I can't help taking it to heart).
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Thankfully I hate PvP so that isn't an issue (And if I want to PvP I have a Sniper for that) but I am trying very hard not to jump on the FotM bandwagon with this one (I left the game originally when SI's got nerfed as I can't help taking it to heart).


Oh sorry, didn't see you said pve specifically. I'd try out combat if I was you. It does a ton of damage in general and has good burst and is more forgiving on rotation and cooldowns. There are a couple really good guides to combat here as well.


Is a good starting place here.


Edited by Keypek
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Watchman and Combat are the popular choices in PvE both have things they do that contribute to the group.


Both have good sustained DPS, Watchman has better sustained DPS. Combat has more burst dmg for burn phases of boss encounters. If you have two Sentinels in your raiding groups it's probably a good idea to have one watchman and one combat for if you're on the final boss fight in EC you need to burn down the boss in phases very quickly, the quick single target burst dmg from Combat sentinels can really help you reach these goals.


Then again if you don't have a combat sentinel it won't matter. They don't bring as much to the group in terms of utility that a Watchman would (the healing from zen which isn't much but it's at least a little bit, the shorter cooldowns on the interupts so on and so forth) but in a short window a Combat Sentinel will do insane amounts of burst.


Guardians often will get relegated to their tanking role. I don't know a lot of Guardians that get to DPS in raids that often even though they're perfectly viable to do it.

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That was the first place I found when searching actually, but I got so far down and still wasn't sure how each played or compared to Focus so I stopped reading.


I will give Combat a try based on your suggestions, so will also give this thread a proper read.

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All though I will add that jedi knights are kinda rough leveling but combat might be at the most disadvantage because you don't start getting your big toys until the 30s and the main key to your burst potential until level 40 with blade rush. And blade rush is pretty much what everything revolves around in combat spec. Especially since you don't get your healer companion until your 30s either. So leveling wise watchmen might be less rough until you get into the 30s at least.
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