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Open world repeatable content for all levels


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I am sure this has been suggested in one form or the other, since its asking for a reason to go to any world shared by both factions and not, to be able to gain exp through various activities at any level.


At face value this idea sounds like a new game in itself with it being too much content for every lvl bracket (10-15 quests, 15-20 quests etc), however, what if the content allowed for any lvl to participate in this scale-able content for exclusive style of quests/events/mini-games/public quests and exclusive rewards but the benefit of it being a hub of activities for all levels with a certain planets style in mind to attract people to different planets for different reasons.


I think the idea of the repeatable event in Illum sounds nice, and maybe something like that can be introduced to all planets but it is also scale-able content, and the benefit of having this is being able to go to any planet and getting exp in another method on the planet you prefer to level on. It makes the game feel more open and dynamic while leveling.


edit: With scaling, the pve content could be adjusted to a certain difficulty, but also making everyone lvl 50 with certain base stats would make it easier to balance for everyone... and then using the rating of the armor as a deviation from the base stats. So if a person is lvl 29 with all purple gear and has the best armor rating then they would have above base stats, and it would work the same with the opposite effect and someone having all green rated items.

Edited by VegaPhone
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