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SWTOR Vet returning - LF RP guild


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Hi guys,


I'v reinstalled the game recently and I'v been wondering around helping lower level players but after a while, I feel the need for company. So, here I am again Looking for a Rp guild mainly with active core members. I'v been in one which seems to be great but after a week and seeing only 1 or 2 ppl at the time ingame everytime I log, I left. Active RPing guild. I don't pvp much but I'm not closed to it. I'm not very good yet but I'm willing to learn more.


Se, let me know ingame Ravendax or reply here. I'll post my character bio (rp) with pleasure.

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Going on a whim here, assuming you're Imperial (Hey, there's a 50/50 chance of you being an Imp or a Rep!).


<Execution> is always looking for more people to fill its ranks (especially those that can spell properly. O_O) If you are indeed on the darker side of things, feel free to check us out at eh-execution.enjin.com (or anyone else looking for a guild for that matter. :3)

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Hi guys,


I'v reinstalled the game recently and I'v been wondering around helping lower level players but after a while, I feel the need for company. So, here I am again Looking for a Rp guild mainly with active core members. I'v been in one which seems to be great but after a week and seeing only 1 or 2 ppl at the time ingame everytime I log, I left. Active RPing guild. I don't pvp much but I'm not closed to it. I'm not very good yet but I'm willing to learn more.


Se, let me know ingame Ravendax or reply here. I'll post my character bio (rp) with pleasure.


This is pretty much more or less the same message I would have posted for myself. :)

Ideally I am looking for someone(s) to RP with as well leveling/flash points ect.

No idea what class I am looking to play, they all seem like fun!

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