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Is Vanguard/Powertech DPS raid viable?


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I've heard Powertechs can put up numbers as good as any other class, but I really don't see any reason you would want a powertech over a marauder, juggernaut, assassin, or even an operative (rare as they are) for melee dps.


They don't have a gap closer like all the other mdps have, they don't have a CC (neither do juggernauts, so that's somewhat excusable), they don't have the utility of stealth, raid buffs, or intercede, I don't think their energy management is very good, and most importantly, THEY HAVE NO THREAT DROP. A powertech who can put up numbers absolutely requires a guard, which makes it a pain on tanks if there's 2 other dps that demand guards. The juggernaut barely has a threat drop, but enraged defense is still better than having no threat drop at all.


The only time I can see powertechs being useful in raids is in cases where an off tank can be useful, such as for absorbing an incinerate on firebrand so your tanks don't have to switch. But that's nothing assassins and juggernauts can't do as well, if you even want to go by that strategy.


Am I missing something here? Like I really don't see any reason a powertech should be used over any other mdps available. I don't want to tank with my powertech because I already have an assassin and powertech tanking looks way too bland for me.

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I've heard Powertechs can put up numbers as good as any other class, but I really don't see any reason you would want a powertech over a marauder, juggernaut, assassin, or even an operative (rare as they are) for melee dps.


PT/VG DPS deals the same amount of damage as a Marauder and more than an Assassin or Juggernaut and *way* more than an Operative. In addition, they've also got *way* better AoE DPS than any of the aforementioned classes (DfA, Flamethrower, Explosive Dart). Since general utility in the form of CC/stuns/etc. doesn't really matter in Ops all that much, not having them doesn't really make all that much difference. The lack of a threat drop doesn't mean much since, unless your tank is simply bad, after the first 30 seconds, threat becomes a non-issue. Not having a gap closer is only of moderate consequence when you have some decent functionality up to 30m range, especially when you're DoT based. It's annoying, but nothing that is going to make them incapable of fulfilling the given role.


In short, PT/VG DPS is raid viable because it puts out *amazing* damage numbers and not much else matters.

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Pyro is viable in end-game PvE, and much more so then operative dps. If skill and gear are equal marauders and sniper can out dps pyros BUT those are pure dps trees and dps is all they can do.


With their long range dps nerfed, I agree pyros need more than grapple as a range closer... And the AP tree loses too much dps and gains too little mobility to make up for it...


For PvE dps, marauders, mercs, snipers, assassins, and sorcs tend to be the main classes people like to play... However, pyros are pretty awesome in PvP and can put a world of hurt on most of the other classes when played right... Of course with PvP now being a stun/root fest, I personally think all melee classes kinda suck to play.

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Cleared EC NiM with Jug, PT, Sorc and Merc dps.. Jug and PT were top of the DPS meter.


Its about the player not the class. I've seen a operative out dps other classes with ease because there is never an ideal situation where players can just focus purely on their rotation and squeeze all the dps perfectly.

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I've heard Powertechs can put up numbers as good as any other class, but I really don't see any reason you would want a powertech over a marauder, juggernaut, assassin, or even an operative (rare as they are) for melee dps.

if ur pt/vg, mara,sniper, did not do top 1 or 2 dmg,

then u r a bad raider,

or u fail in endgame raid(in some lowbie raids, they may not top),

l2p, it is one of the top dps right now.


but they r sux at pvp, after BW huge nerf it just like merc.

Edited by oakamp
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if ur pt/vg, mara,sniper, did not do top 1 or 2 dmg,

then u r a bad raider,

or u fail in endgame raid(in some lowbie raids, they may not top),

l2p, it is one of the top dps right now.


but they r sux at pvp, after BW huge nerf it just like merc.


I will be honest with you, your English comes across as that of an English speaker... who is around 12 and is a fine product of our public ed.

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