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Prophecy of the Chosen One


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I'm reading the "in-universe" book "The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force". It has a section about the Chosen One and contains the actual wording of the prophecy. :eek:

Well, almost. The pages are ripped out. (The book comes with the pages ripped out. Since it also comes with some annotations from Darth Sidious, it is likely that in-universe Sidious did that.) But some parts are still there, most interesting:


The prophe[c]

Chosen On[e]

of the olde

ecies Mo[r]

the anci[e]

cons [space - end of line]


In the tim

despair, a c[h]

born, who

the Sith a

ance to


The letters in [] are my reconstruction of letters we only see parts of. I'm not sure about the r, it could also be m or n. If the formatting is the same as in the rest of the book, the first line covers approximatly 1/3 of the page, while the last line covers only 1/4.


That's interesting in a lot of ways. (For example that the prophecy mentions the Sith.) But maybe we could try to reconstruct it. Well, guess what the text originally said.


Any ideas?

Edited by Maaruin
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My favourite line from ROTS novel was said by Sidious: "You are the chosen one Anakin, chosen by me!"


Sidious clearly believed the Sith could control such things, but it seems still felt the need to ruin the text!

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Damn Sidious, you don't know how much I wanted to read that part!


However in my copy I can extract a few words:





"cancer on the Living Force"



"original text"

"students should understand that fulcrum..."

"good accepts the...of evil"


The mention of 'Mortis' is an interesting one. Perhaps the Ones had more to do with the Prophecy than they first let on, maybe they 'created' the Prophecy or were responsible for the birth of the Chosen One. How Anakin was born after all is something of a mystery. And also 'cancer on the Living Force' - that seems to suggest that the dark side is in fact a corruption rather than an inherent part of the Force. And then 'original text', makes me wonder who first wrote/invented the Prophecy in the first place. And finally 'elementals' , that's definitely what it says but I have no idea what they are.


Curious however, on Daniel Wallace's blog (the author) he says this:

p. 13: Look, here's the Prophecy of the Chosen One! Just kidding, it's been ripped out. Back when this book was in the outline stage we intended to have a section on the Chosen One, but Lucasfilm let us know that they would be doing some very interesting things in that area relatively soon. To avoid a conflict, and to reinforce the sense that this was an old text that had been damaged over time, we elected to "rip out" these pages and leave only fragments behind. But text would still be visible on the fragments. I didn't want this fragmentary text to read "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" and therefore I wrote a full Prophecy of the Chosen One entry, knowing that it would never make it into the final version.


So thats the actual reasoning behind removing the Prophecy. I doubt these 'interesting things' are going to premiere in the new Star Wars films so I expect they'll be another arc on the Prophecy in The Clone Wars series. Maybe it will answer some of those questions. The whole mystery and mysticism surrounding the Prophecy is really intriguing, so I'm definitely looking forward to this.

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My favourite line from ROTS novel was said by Sidious: "You are the chosen one Anakin, chosen by me!"


Sidious clearly believed the Sith could control such things, but it seems still felt the need to ruin the text!

It must have been done by Sidious after he destroyed the Jedi and turned Anakin to the dark side. Seems to imply that Sidious was still very much afraid that Vader would destroy him... interesting. Perhaps that was why he was so eager to have him replaced e.g. Starkiller, Luke Skywalker. And also why he didn't use his 'unlimited power' to restore Vader to his original form - which I'm sure he was capable of, or at least capable of restoring some of his broken body. By keeping him broken in body and mind I suppose he kept Vader from destroying him.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Damn Sidious, you don't know how much I wanted to read that part!


However in my copy I can extract a few words:





"cancer on the Living Force"



"original text"

"students should understand that fulcrum..."

"good accepts the...of evil"


The mention of 'Mortis' is an interesting one. Perhaps the Ones had more to do with the Prophecy than they first let on, maybe they 'created' the Prophecy or were responsible for the birth of the Chosen One. How Anakin was born after all is something of a mystery. And also 'cancer on the Living Force' - that seems to suggest that the dark side is in fact a corruption rather than an inherent part of the Force. And then 'original text', makes me wonder who first wrote/invented the Prophecy in the first place. And finally 'elementals' , that's definitely what it says but I have no idea what they are.



I find the mention of Mortis interesting as well. This could be indicative of Skywalker's encounter with The Ones on Mortis or perhaps that they had some involvement in his birth. Perhaps they created the Prophecy? Maybe, but I doubt it. It was a Jedi Prophecy. I don't think The Ones would side with one side or the other. They seem more of a "we need both sides co-existing" type. I have no idea what 'elementals' refers to, but it sounds interesting.

Edited by Aurbere
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I find the mention of Mortis interesting as well. This could be indicative of Skywalker's encounter with The Ones on Mortis or perhaps that they had some involvement in his birth. Perhaps they created the Prophecy? Maybe, but I doubt it. It was a Jedi Prophecy. I don't think The Ones would side with one side or the other. They seem more of a "we need both sides co-existing" type. I have no idea what 'elementals' refers to, but it sounds interesting.
The Prophecy was arguably a Jedi one, but that does not mean it was not created by the Celestials, or the will of the Celestials. Remember the Prophecy claimed in would restore balance to the Force. The Celestials/Ones would want that, the Father's role was all about restoring balance. So it could be that the Ones created the Chosen One to tackle the growing power of the dark side which was threatening to upset the fragile balance. The fact that Yoda always talks about the dark side obscuring all seems to indicate its power was on the rise.


But of course the Jedi would adopt the Prophecy as their own. For the Jedi it meant peace, for the Sith it meant the destruction of their Order. Makes sense.


And also remember that Jedi are self-proclaimed servants of the Force, they don't try to bend it to their will. 'Creating' their own Prophecy would be doing this. The Celestials ultimately 'control' the Force, so any sort of Prophecy would have stemmed from them. But perhaps was passed on to the Jedi (through a Force vision) so they could insure the Chosen One would be trained in the ways of the Force, and preferable stay on the path of the Light.

Edited by Beniboybling
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The Prophecy was arguably a Jedi one, but that does not mean it was not created by the Celestials, or the will of the Celestials. Remember the Prophecy claimed in would restore balance to the Force. The Celestials/Ones would want that, the Father's role was all about restoring balance. So it could be that the Ones created the Chosen One to tackle the growing power of the dark side which was threatening to upset the fragile balance. The fact that Yoda always talks about the dark side obscuring all seems to indicate its power was on the rise.


But of course the Jedi would adopt the Prophecy as their own. For the Jedi it meant peace, for the Sith it meant the destruction of their Order. Makes sense.


And also remember that Jedi are self-proclaimed servants of the Force, they don't try to bend it to their will. 'Creating' their own Prophecy would be doing this. The Celestials ultimately 'control' the Force, so any sort of Prophecy would have stemmed from them. But perhaps was passed on to the Jedi (through a Force vision) so they could insure the Chosen One would be trained in the ways of the Force, and preferable stay on the path of the Light.


I hadn't thought of that. You do make a good point.


The Prophecy of the Chosen One makes the point that balance in The Force stems from keeping the Dark Side in a subdued state(meaning that the Sith are not active), and by removing the corruption that the Dark Side causes. Which makes the 'equal Sith as Jedi' argument absolute nonsense. Not that it made any sense in the first place.;)

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The Mortis-family creating the prophecy is quite an interesting thesis. I have to think more about it.


I tried to reconstruct the prophecy, but somehow what I get doesn't really fit with the formatting of the pages:


In the time of [......] and

despair, a chosen one is

born, who will destroy

the Sith and bring Bal-

ance to the Force.



*[.......] is a negative word which fits with despair.


The problem is that it doesn't really fit with the needed length on the page. It should approximately go to the point where I put the red dots. Maybe they changed it for these pages.



In general, the prophecy mentions the Sith, so it must have been written down after the Great Hyperspace War. But it is interesting: Why did the Jedi think the Sith were destroyed but the Prophecy still had to be fullfilled?


Why does the prophecy reads like the Chosen One is born in a time of despair? (Luke would fulfill that, Anakin would not. Or would he?)

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