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Guild Bank Credit Auto-Depost feature


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Please implement a feature in game that makes a deposit in the guild bank automatically when you complete daily quests, flashpoints, and operations, equivalent to 1% of the individual player credits received. This can be implemented as in other games so that it takes nothing from the cash reward you would normally get, it simply creates an additional amount of cash for the guild bank. This helps build a sense of community and participation in the guild, a common goal that everyone in the guild works towards, in a much more efficient manner than simply encouraging (or begging) folks to feed credits to the guild bank.


I hope you will consider this feature.

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if you need an autofeature to get guildies to put money in the bank they clearly don't have a feeling of vested intrest and belonging in the guild


I agree. Guilds I have been in (in this game and others), have had their banks exploding with items and credits. Even in hardcore guilds where "friends" were limited.

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