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The Vicious Crafting Cycle


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My current moan.


Recently, as you may have noticed in my earlier post. I am attempting to get into the crafting side of the game. With 2 aims. 1. Is to try and help get gear for my guild, 2. To actually make a sizable amount of credits (Dont we all :p)


To do this I learned the schematics for two MODs


Advanced Might Hilt 27 and Advanced Might Armouring 27


I spent in the region of 12 million getting these schematics ( a waste I now know)


The plan is to try advertise on fleet and craft for people, in the hope of crits and then selling them on GTN. Then using money to buy more armouring and hilts to RE. Gradually building up the schematics I have.


Sadly this doesn't work at all, as there are a number of people/guilds who are extremely well know for crafting and others who already have items in stock.


This means that no one will bother using my services. My plan is a flop.


I dont begrudge those people/guilds, its how life works.


Has anyone else had such problems on Red Eclipse.


Any advice? Any One just want to call me stupid? Well Feel free either way

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I think it's partly about reputation and mostly about getting your lists out there, so having the guild webby, with things like the mats alongside, makes it easy to go to SoI.


I've got 6 50s, most of which need the items but also trying to learn them for myself for my own guild's benefit, but I'm happy to spread out my mats love if a) I know which character you are b) I know what you can make - or find it easily.

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from personal experience, you can get by with few schematics too, but you have to work for it. First of all, advertise, advertise, advertise. On the fleet, trade channel. Secondly, most people these days look for crafters with stuff in stock. Otherwise forget that you will sell anything with the big crafting guilds out there. Get the necessary stabilizers, and instead going for new schematics, craft at least 2 pieces of each schematic you have. Then start advertising saying what you have and that you have them in stock. I only have 2 high-end schematics too, but I'm able to sell an average of 2 mods each day. If I crit on 1 let's say every 2-3 days, it's already a solid income.


Additionally, create a toon on the other side (rep or pub) if you haven't already done it, so you can track GTN prices and make the most profit out of your mods. For example, with SoI being a pub guild and very active at crafting with a big base of customers, it's a better idea to sell your stuff on the imp side (no offense Luviel :D). You will likely to get more customers, as well as be able to sell you stuff on GTN at a higher price (sometimes there is 2-300 k difference between the 2 sides)

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