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Complete Noob Needs Help


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Hi! My father and I are new to this game and are struggling with the learning curve. We want to play together, but are different classes. So we start on different planets. How do we find each other and play cooperatively? How do we go on "raids" or conquer "dungeons?" ( or whatever the Star Wars name for them is) How do we form a guild? Do we have to have a certain level of experience? Thanks so much for your help!
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Different classes start on different planets, but thats just the very first planet. By the second planet you find each other (assuming you are both on the same faction (Republic or Empire) and server).


You will be on your first planet until around L8 to 10. But this goes fast, so just do the quests and you will level up in a hurry. Once you get sent to the second planet (lets say, Drumond Kass for Empire), you can start playing together on regular quests, heroics, etc.


To start a guild you need 4 people logged on at the same time, and some credits to register the guild. I have never done one, so thats as far as I know. :)


Hope that helps

Edited by TheIronMonkey
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Hi! My father and I are new to this game and are struggling with the learning curve. We want to play together, but are different classes. So we start on different planets. How do we find each other and play cooperatively? How do we go on "raids" or conquer "dungeons?" ( or whatever the Star Wars name for them is) How do we form a guild? Do we have to have a certain level of experience? Thanks so much for your help!


Hi and welcome to the game!


There are 8 classes and 4 starter planets, so you can choose the 2 classes that start on the same place and play together from the very beginning:

- Jedi Knights and Jedi Consulars start on Tython

- Troopers and Smugglers start on Ord Mantell

- Sith Warriors and Sith Inquisitors start on Korriban

- Imperial Agents and Bounty Hunters start on Hutta


At any rate, this only lasts for the first 10 levels. Then, you character's story takes you to the Empire or Republic Fleet, when you can meet your dad's character if he started somewhere else, and you can go together from then on.


When you are both in game, each of you can add the other as a "friend" - this will make the game notify you when the other logs on and off, and allow quick access to send a group invite. When you are in a group, you can see which planet the other is on, and if you're both on the same planet, you can see where he is on the map, so it's easy to find each other.


"Dungeons" in SWTOR are called Flashpoints. You can do the first one at level 10 - it's actually the natural way to go from the Fleet to the capital world. You can pick up the relevant mission and go into the Flashpoint zone just as any other mission. Or you can also use Group Finder, that will look for players for you and teleport everyone to the start of the FP once the full 4 people group is set up.


In order to form a guild, you have to talk to the guild NPC at Fleet or the Capital World. You need to create a group of four people not in a guild, and talk to the NPC while you in a group. Also, pay some in-game credits. You need to be level 10 in order to get to the Fleet, but I don't think there are any more requisites.


Hope this helps. Have fun! If you happen to be on The Red Eclipse server, say hi and I'll be glad to help. :)

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others have answered but I'll give my opinion.


Hi! My father and I are new to this game and are struggling with the learning curve. We want to play together, but are different classes. So we start on different planets. How do we find each other and play cooperatively?

You must level up before you can group. Around level 10 or so, you go to fleet and then the capital world. From this point forward you can quest together.


NOTE: you must both be the same faction (Republic/Imperial) to group. If you are a Jedi and he is a Bounty Hunter you can not group up and quest together.


Alternative: you can each create a toon on the same planet, level together. E.g. you could do

  • jedi knight + jedi consular
  • smuggler + trooper


Once these toons make it to the second planet (the capital) you can group how ever you like. E.g. smuggler + jedi consular. This has the advantage of not having to do the starter world quests separately.


How do we go on "raids" or conquer "dungeons?" ( or whatever the Star Wars name for them is) How do we form a guild? Do we have to have a certain level of experience? Thanks so much for your help!


Once you are on the same planet, you can target him and then click on the plus sign '+' by his targeting portrait to send a group invite. Alternatively you can type "/invite fred" in the chatbox to invite "fred" to your group.


If you want to do 4-man flashpoints (dungeons), you can use the "group finder tool" AKA LFG (looking for group). The LFG tool typically offers daily rewards (commendations) above and beyond the flashpoint mission rewards. (LFG FAQ)


Don't bother creating a new guild yet. That costs credits and requires a minimum of 4 players. Do consider joining an existing guild. Go to the server forum for your server and look in the "guild recruitment" sub forum if you are interested.


There is no hurry in joining a guild.

Edited by funkiestj
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