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surge over power?


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Hi peoples


So i have been running a anni spec mara for a while and decided to try out a rage spec, i was a bit unimpressed to say the least, its performs fine in pve but in pvp even with shockwave stacked to 4 im looking at maybe 2-4 k smashes. at the moment im 37 with 259 damage/94.7 acc / 24 crit / 64.72 surge this is my pve figure and changes a fair bit when i hit pvp to around 345 damage 95 acc 26 crit (maybe not sure) and around 69-70 surge. Sorry these are just rough figures from what i remember in pvp as i check each time i go into a match. what i wanted to know was is it better to stack surge over power as someone said to me this morning in gen chat , or should i be heading down the strength/pwr/surge/crit route. I do read the forums a lot and tend to google when i cant find an answer, but this is the first time ive heard that surge should come first. Any advice would be greatt.. apart from reroll lol,


thxs and cya in a warzone near you

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Surge and Power are not really in direction competition with each other on your gears slots. You can stack the hell out of both of them...


...however, balancing stats isn't that big a deal at low levels anyway. Just pick up whatever has the most offensive stats you can get and you will be fine to plough your way to 50. 4k crits is still quite a lot in the sub-50 bracket. At 50 you will build a proper set of gear and get into real itemising.

Edited by Sinsavz
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My guess is your gear level isn't where it should be. I just started playing my mara again(lvl 27). I'm not a high enough level to even get surge on my gear and only have 1 talent point in shockwave at this point. I'm seeing 2k-2.5k crits. Push your surge upto around 75% and i bet those smashes will be 5-6k if not higher.


But no you cant stack surge over power. The only thing you can stack over surge is alacrity. The enhancements are either endurance/crit/surge, endurance/power/surge.


As a smasher you want power and surge, your smash is an auto crit so you can avoid it all together.

Edited by wetslampigduex
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thxs for ur quick replys


at the moment have been using pwr and acc enhancements but will switch to pwr/ surge, always good to get more input :)


Btw my gear is all up to date either ql 36-38 blue armor mods augs etc and some purples, imps ears etc

Edited by warpickney
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The best advice I can give you is to get your self a set of orange costemizble gear and sabers. Get your self some mk-6 kits and augment them. By getting the mk-6 one, at least you don't have spend more money when you reach 50 to upgrade them. Get your self Surge augments, as you want to reach 75% surge ASAP or as near as you can. You should prioritise surge before power. All you need to do is upgrade your gear and augments as you lvl up with gear from FP anf planet comendations.Yes you don't need a lot of crit due to the auto crit but it will help out with other abilties so I would'nt ignore it completely. And also get your self a relic that gives you a power boost.


Hope it helps


Good luck

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Drop all accuracy and crit from your gear. If you're on pot5 and have $$$ for mats, hit me up on my mara Ractis. I have the purple 39 43 I think 45 and definitely 49 power surge enhancements and I think the 37 power strength mod.


Would definitely like to see more maras doing decent damage in lowbies. Rage is okay, carnage sucks pre 40. Anyone speccing anything other than anni at that point is doing it wrong imo

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