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Miller's KOTOR Comic Series: Wheres the content?


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Obviously, Miller's comic series from the KOTOR period gets quite a few references. Carrick Station. Draay Outpost. Hierogryphs Utility Belt. But I always felt that these references were more like nods and winks. They were cool and made me smile but I wondered why new storyline content wasn't ever made based on storylines from the comic series.


I was quite disappointed when the Sith Inquisitor travels to Taris to subdue a Togruta ghost...coincidently near the same place where a certain Togruta was killed 300 years prior - aka Raana Tey. And how there was absolutely no mention of the Padawan Massacre that took place there - which immediately predated the abandonment of the Jedi ruins there.


Which leads me to wonder why no new storyline or small quests were created based on the storylines. I mean, what happened was pretty bad and was a big news item lore wise. The entire storyline was a huge Jedi scandal that they just covered up: I don't know know about you guys but that seems to be a pretty deep mine of story telling goodies.

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