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Operative Healing


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There is a lot of different information being tossed around about stats priority in regards to operative healing (and dps, I guess).


I've been trying to compare the difference between cunning to power, as there are some strong arguments suggesting to take power over cunning, as it has a slightly higher effect on general healing. I've been playing around with the differences a little (on level 27 modifications), and am seeing that the increase in the healing output by stacking power is so minimal, especially when compared to the added crit bonus granted from stacking cunning.


My cunning is currently at 2117, power 667, crit 350, surge 477 and I ignore alacrity, because it lacks improved energy regeneration.


I have been mostly using Advanced Artful Mod 27, as the coupling of +56 cunning and +44 power is greater than the 27A version of +72 cunning and +13 power. What I want to experiment with is if it is simply better to get the increased crit from stacking cunning in 27A, then losing one of my crit enhancements and swapping out for a power enhancement.


It seems like it could be a more efficient way to get to 35% crit, and then being able to increase power in other pieces.


Please chip in, I could be way off in all of this.

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Ok here's my stats::--


Cunning 2119

Crit chance 38.73% (Rating 325)

Power 849

Surge 456 Crit Multiplier 79.2%

Bonus Healing 699 Comprised of:-Cunning 296.7 Power 144.3 Tech Power 224.7 + 5% buff

Endurance is relatively low at 1803 but gives me 20k HP which is fine

This is unstimmed, with an exotech skill stim::--

Cunning hits 2265

Power 901

Bonus Healing 729.8


You can look at the build here::--




I enjoy the high amount of power but appreciate I could get higher crit rating by stacking cunning. I do feel that crit rating is important for op/scoundrels healing as it is by its nature mainly made up of lots of smaller heals but feel mine is strong enough. This is working out well for me and I never feel I'm lacking in Ops.


I do recommend the Mr robot site as you can get a realistic breakdown of the effect changing a few mods around does for your gear. I am mostly Blackhole but changed the endurance heavy mods, armors, and enharncements for those with crit, surge, cunning, and power.


I have one level 27 barrel and two 27 mods and armors in the wrist and waist pieces. Hope this information is of some use to you.

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That's interesting. You are a bit heavier in the power department compared to my build, and I see that a fair bit of the difference comes from the Overkill Augments. I will have to upload my build to Mr Robot when I get a chance and do some tinkering there.


I enjoy my build, but just wanted to see if I was missing out on anything that other people might have learned, the biggest being cunning vs power.


The biggest thing I can see between the two builds is whether to invest in general healing (power), or improving crit chance (cunning) and surge. I do like having the occasional crit heal, but it does lead to a fair bit of over-heal. All personal preference, I guess.

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Oh the 9 Overkill augments, that are the subject of controversy with two scoundrel players in my guild. I did an experiment (a 600k credits one) and took out the power and stacked cunning. Here's the results::--


Crit went up by 1% approx and Bonus healing lost just 1. So why did I not keep them in?


I don't understand how the numbers are calculated but there was a noticeable drop in the strength of my heals when I trialled it. What I should, have done is kept the combat logs to demonstrate this. In my opinion the power build heals more though as stated many people dispute this. I do think though that the differences are quite small.

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The benefit to bonus healing from cunning (with 5% buff and 9% skill increase) is nearly the same as power. With all being equal, I would take cunning over power because of the extra crit chance that cunning provides.


Hope that helps.

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So I created a cunning stacked profile on Mr Robot, and the results are interesting. I maximised cunning by going for Advanced Artful Mod 27A, and basically ignoring power for anything else.




From my current build, which I described in my op, I saw a drop of just over 38 points in bonus healing to gain about 2.5% crit chance from stacking cunning. Also, note I did not use the power based enhancement in this build, rather, only the Advanced Battle Enhancement 27, so this resulted in increased crit as well, as it was up to 420, from 350 on my original build.


I think that is too much crit (diminishing returns), so I am going to experiment now with dropping in a few power enhancements for the crit ones, bring crit rating down to 350 again, and see how much effect cunning has on crit, and whether the increased power will be enough to close the bonus healing bridge a little.


Please note: All figures are unbuffed - but the skill tree has been filled out.


Let me know if the link works - not sure if that links to my private editor or a publicly available page.

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So I created a cunning stacked profile on Mr Robot, and the results are interesting. I maximised cunning by going for Advanced Artful Mod 27A, and basically ignoring power for anything else.




From my current build, which I described in my op, I saw a drop of just over 38 points in bonus healing to gain about 2.5% crit chance from stacking cunning. Also, note I did not use the power based enhancement in this build, rather, only the Advanced Battle Enhancement 27, so this resulted in increased crit as well, as it was up to 420, from 350 on my original build.


I think that is too much crit (diminishing returns), so I am going to experiment now with dropping in a few power enhancements for the crit ones, bring crit rating down to 350 again, and see how much effect cunning has on crit, and whether the increased power will be enough to close the bonus healing bridge a little.


Please note: All figures are unbuffed - but the skill tree has been filled out.


Let me know if the link works - not sure if that links to my private editor or a publicly available page.


Btw if I may ask, why are you running with the proc relics? They are crap, and they share the same CD :rolleyes:

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Btw if I may ask, why are you running with the proc relics? They are crap, and they share the same CD :rolleyes:


Oh it was all I had at the time, just getting into my endgame raiding. I now have one of the Dread Guard healing relics, and hazmat mk-3 implants.


This all for PvE.


And no mention of alacrity because I avoid it like the plague. I think it is more trouble than it is worth. If it had some energy regeneration capability, I would go for it.

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And no mention of alacrity because I avoid it like the plague. I think it is more trouble than it is worth. If it had some energy regeneration capability, I would go for it.


Alacrity only helps. You dump points into alacrity once you have achieved your surge rating target (250-350).

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