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Rested State Gains Nerfed?


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they need to remove that thing..

you get soo much xp you always out-level the content you're doing. it's sucks.


when u do youre alts and done all misions side quests 4-5 times last think u like is doing same **** over and over i have 5 lvl 50 2 lvl 40 and if not for xp boosts i would not budder and probebly un sub by naw after all only class quests are difrent rest is same

Edited by Brutal
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This turned into some sort of debate I did not expect. I'm not having trouble leveling. I have all the purchased legacy bonus. I don't seem to be gaining any rested xp. Like people are saying dont do the side quests if your leveling to fast or it's too easy. I'm on my 5th character. 4 others are 50. I'm trying to get this one to 50 fast. I'm doing everything I see. Flashes, warzones 1 if I win 2 if I lose! For the quest. I'm staying right on par.

Just a few notes:

If you are free to play, you do not gain rested XP.

And as stated by the first reply to your post, make sure you're logging off in the correct places.

Also, early on, pre 20, rested moves at a very slow rate, think 3 weeks+ to get full rested state, and speeds up as you level up. I think it was around 12 days on a level 40 that I let sit.

Make sure you do all those little bonuses in quests, some can be easily missed on the way to your objective, for example, today, I was on my young consular and had to go to this console, now I could easily just go there and click on it and not kill any of the imperials that were near by, but I killed one to see if there were any bonuses, sure enough, 1/9 came up, and then killed the others required, and it gave me 2790XP, + the 500 or so from killing them, and I clicked on the console and handed in the mission, which was 2950XP, now as you can see, I got well over double the XP by spending an extra 60 seconds or so doing the bonus.

In my opinion, its these side bonuses that yield you the most XP on your run to 50, and by not doing/looking for them you're missing out on so much, but could also be used to not gain that added XP if you want to try and stay as close to par as possible.

I did this on my 1st and 2nd toon, but after that, Im not really interested in the challenge with the same mobs over and over, and much rather the run to 50 be an enjoyable ride, and just faceroll them :D

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