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Top sage/scoundrel healers on the server


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Stole the idea from the other thread about commando healers. That, and I am also going to be levelling a pvp healer on the bastion and could use some advice from someone that knows what they're doing. Now that the best commando healers got a shoutout, who do you think are the best healers in general and what makes them better than the rest? (In my opinion numbers aren't everything)



Mad-ness - Combat Sentinel - The republic

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been reading the thread.to be honest i played with the people yall named..on both factions from what i make of it in detail...atm best scoundrel for heals is Poru..playing on my sin he's hardest to kill..although i talk trash to his guildies in wz's but they know thats me..other scoundrels i killed one way or another..


ops healer even though i dont care for most of them is Otto..hard one to kill also but you got to respect the game so i go with him atm..BEST OPS HEALER on this server i seen was Effingham..sad he dont play anymore..you couldnt kill him..he was only person i seen in a wz make a whole team chase him around the map trying to kill him..


this was before transfers if he was still playing nobody would be on his level..bastion og's that did wz's know what im talking about..


sages none stand out atm..best healer sage sad to say also he dont play anymore was Sonicboom..he actually knew how to play his class not backpeddle keyclick and stand in 1 spot trying to cast a 2.9 sec spell..like most of these sages do..sorc wise none stand out..only sorc that would get my respect is Best World atm..


lastly worst sage on this server is ME..i backpedals ,mouse click my skills, key turn and i dont even know how to spam my cc's.. to cap other players resolve bars like 99% of sages and sorcs on our server and still dont kill anything..

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Hood-rat still plays?


Hood-rat does rateds with Synergy all the time, saw him online yesterday.


OT: Best Operative: Scold for doing 1.6mil

Best Scoundrel: Hood-rat for smashing non-mvp healers by at least 200k every single time.


I don't like Sages/Sorcs, and I'm obviously not going to vote for myself.

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