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Server Population


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Issue: Low population on server.


Server: Master Dar’Nala (PVP)



a) Merge Server to Dalborra

b) Transfer to Dalborra


Currently there is such a low population on the server that Elder Game is unplayable to any level of enjoyment. Being in queue for 30 minutes or more before getting a pop, or to only play 2 or 3 warzones (1 to 2 flashpoints) in 2 hours is unacceptable for a subscription game.


As stated to me by customer service:

we would like to assure you that we are doing our utmost to ensure that our players have the best possible game play experience, regardless of which server they play on. As such server population balance and composition is something which we are constantly monitoring.


This is not being achieved at the moment on the Oceanic PVP server.


On 8.22.2012 Joveth Gonzalez stated:

Additionally, we've seen your concerns about Oceanic server populations and we're going to be evaluating this in the next few days.


This was followed on 10.09.2012 with:

Unfortunately, I have no new information at this time. In my last post, I did say that I would update this thread when I had new information but I currently do not.

With that being said, I will make sure to update this thread as soon as I have more information.


Finally on the 11.06.2012 Jeff Hickman had this to say:

Topic #3: Oceanic populations. Are we doing anything about them?

Answer: We are very aware of the concerns with the population levels on the Oceanic servers. The problem is pretty complex, as the solutions we have either split the populations further (like allowing Oceanic players to move to North American servers), or would force players to go to server types (PvP or RP, etc…) that they do not want to be on. Our current plan is to wait for Free-to-Play to launch and see what the influx of new players does to the populations of these servers. We will give it a little time and if we do not see significant improvement, then we will move ahead with the solution that offers the best playing experience for the Oceanic community.


Still no communication on actual help to those paying to play on a sub-standard server.


Then to rub salt in to this wound,on 01.02.2013 Jeff makes this statement:


free character copies to PTS at any time, You should expect to see this come within the first part of this year. This will also lay the foundation for our new live character transfer system that will be coming later this year.


So character transfers are still six months plus away? You think we should still be paying for six plus months of subscription fees to get a faction of the gameplay that those on the NA & EU servers get?

When was the last time that the population indicator for Master Dar’Nala (PVP) was not ‘Low’?

This server is not "rocking'!

Please Help.

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