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A hopeful Idea


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OK so i was trying to think of how to write this out and be constructive.


Neutral designation for Bounty Hunters and Smugglers.


When you think of the Star Wars Universe both Bounty Hunters and Smugglers have amazing stories from the books to the movies there is for sure some EPIC battles and credits, OH THE CREDITS!! But both BH's and Smugglers were contracted out by both Factions, the Republic and Empire used both. In SW:TOR there are smugglers on Hutta employed by the empire. So why not have BH's and Smugglers have a choice at the end of there respective class story arch to finalize a choice whether to swap sides. Too me being a Imperial Scoundrel would be the most amazing thing in the world.


Or take it a little further, have a reputation system (Like World of Warcraft) where you can grind out rep with the opposite faction to "Switch sides" this could be by hunting targets for the Pubs or maybe Smuggling some weapons to the Ord Mantell resistance fighters for the Imperials. they could be daily missions no credits as reward just Reputation.


Or have a huge area on Ilum where War is active all NPC's are Yellow (Neutral) and you gain Rep with 1 side / lose Rep with the other for each kill of that faction NPC.


Or another Idea would be with the new expansion coming out you could have the Hutt Cartel as it's own Faction where BH's and Smugglers start out as Hutt Cartel classes only and at the end of the story you choose to stay HC or change to Pub or Imp.


Not only would these options give more variety to the game it would also help keep people engulfed in the game and give them more things to do after they hit 50 instead of doing Dailies/circles on the fleet.


Please Bioware, i have Beta tested this game and been a loyal subber since Launch please read this, all i want is for this game to succeed and be an amazing game for years and years to come.


If anyone has more to add please do so. i just want to give Bioware great ideas to help them create more great content for this great game.




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