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New Player in the Mix; Servers, Classes, and Noobiness!


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Hey guys! I'm a new player who just started playing on Sunday. I have spent the last two days experimenting with classes and learning about the game which was enough to convince me to subscribe as I quickly fell in love with the game. Now that I have subscribed and am ready to buckle down, get a main character, and really get into the game, I wanted to ask some questions to put me in position to really succeed in the game. I thank you all for your help ahead of time and I hope my questions do not annoy you too much because they really are typical noobie questions.


Question 1: Server?


So, here is my first question. In your opinions, which server is the best for a social and active player? I enjoy playing skill classes like healers and tanks and because of that, I absolutely love the MMO part of a MMORPG. I love being in groups helping people, I love chatting, and I love leveling with others. I know one of my favorite times in a MMO was when I started a new character with a friend in WoW and we leveled from 1-80 as partners and followed the story line together. It made questing more fun, made it quicker, made it easier to get into groups, and much more. I hate leveling solo and from my limited experience in the game so far, I know that I will be spending most of my play time either in Flash Points or PvP, which means that I will require an active community to play with. I am central time zone, so East or West coast servers are fine. I just know that I joined one of the RP servers and 70% of the time, even general chat was dead. As a healer, I had to wait nearly 90 minutes to get into a low level FP (Athiss) and I think that is a bit insane. I enjoy the PvP aspects of the game and really got into healing and defending points on the maps, but I think being on a PvP server is something different all together. My highest level is a level 30, so I didn't really see many zones where Republic and Empire players crossed paths, much less open world PvP. What is open world PvP like? Is it enjoyable or harsh for a new player? If so, is it likely I should start on a PvE or RP server? I am new at RP, but enjoyed the bit I have done so far, so I'm really open to the type of server to join. I just want a server that feels like a MMO instead of feeling like I'm the only one online a lot of the time. I even joined a guild with a little over 200 people in it and yesterday, I was the only one online for nearly 7 hours. As I said, I am a social player and playing alone gets boring quickly. If I wanted to play alone, I'd boot up the PS3 and go buy some star war single player games. :)


Question 2: Classes?


No, this is not your typical 'which class is better' question. As I understand it, the classes are pretty well balanced in this game. That said, I am a healer main and a tank secondary. I love healing and it is where I have the most fun. I know that the Consular/Sorcerer, the Scoundrel/Bounty Hunter, and the Trooper/Agent all have a healing class. I understand that Consular/Sorcerers tend to be less mobile where as Scoundrel/Bounty Hunters tend to be more mobile with their healing. Each has their own strength and weakness, but what I want to know is which is the easiest to learn healing on? I will likely have one of each before it is all over, but I would prefer to start with the easiest to learn so that I have a steady main that I can really learn the game on. Also, the same question goes for tanking if I decide to go that role. Which is the easiest to learn to tank on? I will likely be going the Consular/Sorcerer path because I've heard their Shield is pretty handy in tight spots, but I haven't quite decided yet.


Question 3: Professions and Making Money?


I once asked someone what the best way to make money way in this game. They told me to get three gathering professions and at the time, it seemed like a great idea. It wasn't until after I got all 3 professions to around level 300 that I realized most of my money was actually coming from Scavenging and the other two really weren't helping much. It came to me that it was more profitable to send all of my companions to do Scavenging rather than splitting them between Scavenging, Bio analysis, and Slicing. This made it feel like I had wasted a ton of time raising the other two. Because of this, I made an alt with Scavenging, Armormech, and Underworld Trading. I didn't seem to make as much money this way due to me using all of my gathered resources raising Armormech, but it seemed more useful because I could actually make my own armor and easily keep my companions well geared. In the end, I really wasn't sure which worked better for me. From your experience, what path is better to go? Also, on that note if you are focused on just making money, is it better to do a lot of lower level gathering missions or just a few higher level gathering missions? I know that level 5 metals sell for more than level 2 metals, but I can get 5-10 level 2 metals in the time it takes to get one level 5 metal. Which makes credits faster? Bulk materials or higher level materials? Also, is it normal for your professions to out level your character? On my armormech alt, I was a level 30 with level 362 armormech. I was making level 40+ armor and it just felt odd to me. Wasn't sure if this was normal or not.


I'm sure I'll come up with some more questions before I gather all my resources and make my main, but for now these are the big ones. Thanks ahead of time for the help and answers!

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At least in Europe, our servers have been merged, so it doesn't matter, so pick based on language and PvE/Pvp Preference.


I'd favor commando/mercenary healers slightly more, you can free heal on the move which is useful and you've got strong single heals. For tanking, I prefer Shadow/Assassin as I just find it easier to keep the aggro. I wouldn't say theres much difference mechanically across any of them though.


For crafting, supply drives price, for blue UWT on my server, grade 1/2/3 sells for a higher price than grade 6, i guess because people are trying for purple grade 6 metals and have an over abundance. Once you have a good level of affection, slicing is good, you can sell the missions you get back and augment materials are always in demand. The 3rd one when I have 3 gathering is treasure hunting just for helping myself gear and relics sell well to lower levels.

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Server - I don't think it matters too much. As was said the servers have been merged so as I understand it - they are all fairly well populated. Question is - PvP, RP, or Normal.


Heals/Tank - I can't comment tho I have both a Sorc and a Hunter as I like to blow stuff up :D . I have noticed that mobility is better on my hunter, but I think as far as straight heals would go - whether or not that is a true benefit would depend on the fight. Usually in order to get mobility you have to sacrifice something, which in this case would probably be healing amount. You can heal on the move, just not as much.


Professions - as is almost always the case, crafting mats do better than actual crafting because of the competition involved with selling crafted goods vs materials (more people crafting, less people just gathering). I've seen some mats going for 1K/ea (others for MUCH MUCH more) and the crafted item for the same - when if the mats were purchased it would have cost around 3-4K to make.


Having said that, I do well with cybertech mods, and enhancers from artifice at higher levels. Also as is always the case - whether mats or crafted items will make you credits depends on what you craft or gather, and when you try to sell it. Supply/demand rules the GTN. Be the only one there with something in demand at the right times - and you can sell for 2-3x the price of other times. If you REALLY want to make credits on the GTN you'll need to invest time watching it. Otherwise - just undercut and hope it sells before someone undercuts you with 50 items :p .

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Hello both, and welcome to the game!


1. RP servers are a bit special. They tend to be less populated, since not so many people prefer that way of playing. And most RP communities tend to organize events and play them out, so they hardly use either the General chat or Group Finder - which may make the server looks less populated than it is. Your best bet is to find a Guild, or try the non-RP servers.

By the way, world PvP is fairly inconsequential in this game, since the quest areas on most worlds are separated and far apart for Empire and Republic. You can keep to your area and level with hardly anyone bothering you, or you can go to the other faction's turf and look for trouble if you feel like it.


2. I have only a Sage healer, so I cannot help you much firsthand with choosing one of the three healers. But be careful with the class names:

- The mirror class for Trooper is Bounty Hunter, and the mirror for Smuggler is Imperial Agent. It took me a while to get those straight - somehow it fells counterintuitive. :) Healer Advanced classes are Commando / Mercenary and Scoundrel / Operative.

- Jedi Consular / Sith Inquisitor are mirror classes; Sage / Sorcerer are mirror advanced classes.

- Once you pick and Advanced Class you cannot ever change it - So a Consular / Inquisitor may become a tank (if Shadow / Assassin) or a healer (if Sage / Sorcerer), but the same character cannot be both.


3. Yes, it is normal that your crafting overlevels your character - specially if you keep getting gathering materials through missions. If you rely on what you gather from the game world, you will not get the materials for the superior items until you are high level enough to go to the worlds where they can be collected.


Good luck and enjoy!

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I'm new to the game also and have similar questions. Why do you say this, sir?


Probably because he found one thing he does not like and decided the whole game sucks because of that one issue. You will find a lot of these types on game forums.


And even if he posts a long list of "problems," I guarantee that you will not encounter 90% of them as they are either intermittent or there are well established workarounds or they are aspects of the game you have not and/or will not participate in.


You also have to realize that it is only when someone has a problem that it is usually voiced. Internet Forums only "contain" a miniscule minority of the player population. And the overwhelming majority (of that miniscule minority) have issues with whatever game they are posting about.


I am NOT saying the game is problem free, but too often individuals like him put all their focus into what's wrong and not with what's right.


In short, don't listen to the haters. Judge for yourself.

Edited by psandak
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