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Rotation for a lvl 38 Anni specced Marauder?


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Hey guys. I'm having some trouble coming up with a good rotation for my Marauder. Right now, it looks something like this: Force Charge - Deadly Saber - Battering Assault - Vicious Slash - Rupture - Ravage. By then, I should be close to 30 stacks of Fury and activate Berserk. From there I would just repeat the rotation and use Assault as a filler.


Is this an adequate rotation for my level, or could it use some tweaking?


Thanks :)


EDIT: Here's the build I'm currently using http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIbRroMzZhMZh.2

Edited by Indivu
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Is this an adequate rotation for my level, or could it use some tweaking?


Thanks :)


EDIT: Here's the build I'm currently using http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIbRroMzZhMZh.2


For your level it's fine as an OPENING rotation, but after the opener it's all about CD management pretty much.

Oh and ditch Defensive forms!!!! Those points are far more valuable elsewhere.

31/3/7 is the optimal Annihilation build,with Ravager,Malice and Brutality in Rage tree

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who uses roatations anymore? just keep all your bleeds up and spam the heck out of rage builders to keep them up. and also please save your self now and use Carnage its much better DPS overall if you know how to keep you Gore and Blood Frenzy in a good cycle to get max force scream damage.
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