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The Nar Shaddaa Blues


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Here's a little video I made, nothing special, just thought it would kind of set the mood.



For now I will just be writing a bunch of little shorts, I may or may not be creating skits to go along with them like this.



Actual story coming soon x)




Edited by DewyMossEmpire
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The Nar Shaddaa Blues




The Blue Moon Jazz Club - a tiny little place on a busy street corner of the Red Light District on Nar Shaddaa; it would be easy to miss even walking by on foot. But once you step inside, man does it come alive! The steady beat of the band playing on stage gently thumps your chest as you walk in & head down the spiral stairs. When you make into the club, you realize how small it really is. Just enough room to sit thirty people max, including the bar seats; but the atmosphere is somethin' else. A cool blue color ripples throughout the space as the dim ceiling lights shine through a cylindrical fish tank that curls around the entire club. The people, classy & jazzy, dressed up as-required, & if they miss something, the club will even provide it for them, for a bit of a charge of course. The clangin' of dishes in the kitchen & around the club, the chatter of the people & the aliens, the steady laughter of good friends enjoying drinks & company; the slow & smooth beats of the music, from the ever-so famous Jazz band known as The Stellar Beats.


Those guys, man, they are a force to be reckoned with: first there's BizzBizz on the drums - a little Jawa man who can set the galaxy to a beat with the way he can pound the percussion. He'll start slow, as the dusty spotlight brings him into view first, as always. Then Frasier, a tall, lanky, dark-skinned man will come in on the base, usually drinking some kind of Cognac while he does it. The crowd goes quiet & watch intently at the start of each song, anticipating what will happen next, since rarely does the band play a rehearsed song, 99% of the time, it's 100% improv. Then, starting in on some high notes, Lazlo the Ithorian will come in on the piano, elegantly placing a few notes here & a few notes there, just to break of the low & deep beat that's been set so far. Then comes in the true veteran of the band, the one who started it all - Marko "Starfleet," the old Bith who started the Stellar Beats almost two & a half decades ago. He comes in quietly with the muffled trumpet, breaking up the silence as BizzBizz picks up the pace of a the song a bit. Then he erupts, & the rest of the band follows in step into another one of their famous jam sessions that do the ears wonders with the sounds & stories behind them.


But recently, there's been a new sound ... something that turns the heads of the club more & more each time it resonates through the room. An extra spot light fades onto the stage, just as the tempo slows down some, & there into view, wearing some beat up old tan corduroys with his half-tucked dress shirt & a raggedy cap, stands a young man, just pushing 29, who suddenly starts to tease the ear with the deep & seductive tone of his saxophone. Some of the ladies in the crowd gasp, the gents smirk & take another drink as they admire the five o'clock shadowed kid show his stuff.


"Knock 'em dead, kid." Marko says with his scratchy, deep, cigar-aged voice. & then that's just what Kip does; with an arch of his back & a slide across the stage into the center spotlight, he breaks out into a beautiful solo. The crowd cheers him along, the little dance floor just below the stage gets packed, & Kip pours his heart & soul into that sax, til he sweats & shakes from all the vibe. Finally he takes a break, stepping back & letting out a huge breath. The crowd cheers & Marko gives him a slap on the back as per usual, & then slips back to center-stage, & the music slows down once more.


Though as the people of Nar Shadda busy about their business going to & fro, not many at all are blessed with visiting the Blue Moon. The people are something else, the dining exquisite, the music extravagant, & it just all makes for one helluva damn fine atmosphere. Kip had been playing there for just a few months, now. He was nothing more than a street rat, like so many on the Hutt Moon, barely getting by each day. Marko's the one who picked him up, & it's quite the story…

Edited by DewyMossEmpire
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My eyes started to burn before I could read the story.


Changing up the format could bring in a lot of readers


They burn? In a good way I hope! :x My thinking was, why does everything always have to be about the Jedi or the Sith? How about just a random story about living in the SW Universe! :D



Part I is coming in tonight!

Edited by DewyMossEmpire
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They burn? In a good way I hope! :x My thinking was, why does everything always have to be about the Jedi or the Sith? How about just a random story about living in the SW Universe! :D



Part I is coming in tonight!


Ehh, not in a good way. I meant the way that the first part has no breaks. It's one big paragraph which burns the eyes.

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