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Annihilation Discussion Corner


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We already have a carnage top dps thread , so now the Annihilation dps thread.


The reason of this topic is to share tips , parses , builds and gear set ups and percentages.

I hope we can all learn a bit from each other.


My personal goal is to break the 2k dps in Annihilation spec. But i still don't know how. :p

If any can post their stats and build who breaks the 2k i would be very happy. :p:cool:

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We already have a carnage top dps thread , so now the Annihilation dps thread.


The reason of this topic is to share tips , parses , builds and gear set ups and percentages.

I hope we can all learn a bit from each other.


My personal goal is to break the 2k dps in Annihilation spec. But i still don't know how. :p

If any can post their stats and build who breaks the 2k i would be very happy. :p:cool:


I play it occasionally and can break 2k pretty easily, but Beastfury from my server is better at it. Here is a parse from him in anni at 2162 dps - http://www.torparse.com/a/85322


Here is his build http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/98b6118b-3c9c-4633-8eef-efd840a44219

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People make a lot of little mistakes that cost them DPS on Annihilation, and for e-peen dummy parses, you've already got a dice roll baked right in from the start.


Any dummy parse attempt which does not proc Pulverize on the standard Charge + DS > BA > Rupture > Annihilate > Ravage opening pattern is poisoned from the get-go (you wind up with a massive DPS hole that drags down the entire parse 25-30 points, at least). Given that in real content you can't force Pulverize to proc, it's certainly indicative of real-life DPS 1/3 of the time, but if just number chasing, you're boned from the get-go.


Common mistakes:

-Delaying Annihilate (yes, the buff lasts a while but you want to use on CD)

-Not popping Deadly Saber the instant it comes off CD (it's off GCD, so there's absolutely no reason to do anything else)

-Over-spending Rage and winding up short when Annihilate/DS come off CD.

-Over-building Rage when it's not needed (primarily through overuse of Force Charge).

-Mistiming Ravage such that it delays the use of DS/Annihilate or Vicious Throw (in real content, since not usable on dummy)

-Getting overly aggressive with Rupture to maximize opportunity for Pulverize procs (Rupture is a key element of Anni damage, but shouldn't ever delay Annihilate or Deadly Saber, as both contribute more to total DPS).


Anni is not *that* hard to play, but to consistently hit 2k+ without fully optimized 63s requires a bit of a resource tightrope walk. You always need to have enough for your core DPS skills, you need to minimize low-DPS filler (Force Charge, Assault), and you have to deal with wacky CD mismatches for a very fluid "rotation". You also need to use & abuse adrenals, Bloodthirst, and be a little smart/lucky with Berserk timing.

Edited by Omophorus
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