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A limit to founding guilds?


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I tried to found a new guild : Kashyyyk Legends, but the two times i mistyped it (first kashyyk legenGs, then someone pointed out that kashyyyk was with 3 y's,.....)

So, finally, the third time, of course, it said : name unavailable. Everyone had a good laugh.

Then we tried kashyyyk legends foundation, kashyyyk myths, kashyyyk heroes, kashyyyk myyths, kashyyyk myyyths.....

ALL of those unavailable, now that seems highly unlikely to me

Hence my question : is there a limit to founding (oh and i forgot to tell, i disbanded the first two mishaps) a guild?

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I tried to found a new guild : Kashyyyk Legends, but the two times i mistyped it (first kashyyk legenGs, then someone pointed out that kashyyyk was with 3 y's,.....)

So, finally, the third time, of course, it said : name unavailable. Everyone had a good laugh.

Then we tried kashyyyk legends foundation, kashyyyk myths, kashyyyk heroes, kashyyyk myyths, kashyyyk myyyths.....

ALL of those unavailable, now that seems highly unlikely to me

Hence my question : is there a limit to founding (oh and i forgot to tell, i disbanded the first two mishaps) a guild?


I don't know for sure, but I think they reject any name with 3 consecutive letters. E.g. <foood> would be rejected. A common work around for names being taken are to:

  1. use the desired letter but with a randomly chosen accent (e.g. umlaut) over some letters
  2. separate words with punctuation charaters like - or '.
  3. separate each letter with a space


e.g. <F O O O D>, <foòồd>, <cat'fòod> <cat-föod> might be used to get around the 3 consecutive letter restriction or name collision (i.e. <cat food> being taken).

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