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What's up with GTN???


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In the past two or three days I've had this weird problem.


Whenever I go to the GTN to list my items, I can only list 4-5 items at a time. I then log out to character select and then log in again and I can then list another couple of items. Then the cycle starts again. Very annoying :mad:


Has anyone else had this problem or is it just me?



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I don't know if your GTN issue is related, but I've had two situations as a subscriber that I have logged in and found I had all the limitations of a f2p logged out and logged back in and re-received all my subscriber perks in 5 e-mails and had to reset all my hot buttons. There is some sort of bug out there that sometimes puts f2p restrictions on paying subscribers.
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I don't know if your GTN issue is related, but I've had two situations as a subscriber that I have logged in and found I had all the limitations of a f2p logged out and logged back in and re-received all my subscriber perks in 5 e-mails and had to reset all my hot buttons. There is some sort of bug out there that sometimes puts f2p restrictions on paying subscribers.


Thankfully I have only heard of those problems and not experienced them myself...


I do remember a similar issue around f2p launch, so maybe it is related to those problems...

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I don't know if your GTN issue is related, but I've had two situations as a subscriber that I have logged in and found I had all the limitations of a f2p logged out and logged back in and re-received all my subscriber perks in 5 e-mails and had to reset all my hot buttons. There is some sort of bug out there that sometimes puts f2p restrictions on paying subscribers.


Had it happen to me 6 times since 1.6 went live :-/ a bit annoying but after teh 2nd times took note of where i put what hotbar ability etc just in case it happend again...which it did :(

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It isn't just you. I've had this issue for months now. It seems to happen to me when I try to list items quickly. It happens to me all the time. Logging out fixes it, also listing items more slowly - list an item and then wait a few seconds before listing another. It's like if you try to list items quickly the system can't handle it and locks up. It's really annoying, I did a bug report on it like four months ago.
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In the past two or three days I've had this weird problem.


Whenever I go to the GTN to list my items, I can only list 4-5 items at a time. I then log out to character select and then log in again and I can then list another couple of items. Then the cycle starts again. Very annoying :mad:


Has anyone else had this problem or is it just me?




This issue had happened to me right after F2P happened.

Its pretty annoying.

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It's lag, server or client it would seem, pretty sure it's yet another client/server synch issue. And I know it's been in the game since way back, first time I had it happen to me was around 1.2 or so.


The wordaround is when you list something, make sure it appears on your selling list before attempting to list anything else.

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