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pve up through the levels marauder guide


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Ok I am looking for a good marauder guide...having issues with what skill tree to use and which skills on it. Going anihilation so far but I find myself never using the Juyo form which I know can't be right. When I try however I end up dieing very quickly and having to switch back to the shi-cho form for the extra staying power. I know this must mean I am doing something wrong but I am not sure what.


Specific question..how can a lightsaber form stack? Trying to use it more than once (as other buffs that stack you do) doesn't seem to work the way I would expect. Is the text in the description leading me astray here? Thanks!

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What level are you? There is a guide on here somewhere, it's pretty good, you might have to sift through a few pages,I think it used to be stickied.

If you're annihilation, and you're not in Juyo form, you're doing it wrong.

You want Juyo AT ALL TIMES if going Annihilation, period.

If you tell us your level, we can give you tips on where your current skillpoints should be spent.

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Specific question..how can a lightsaber form stack? Trying to use it more than once (as other buffs that stack you do) doesn't seem to work the way I would expect. Is the text in the description leading me astray here? Thanks!


When you are in Juyo form and use a successful melee attack, it will add a buff for Juyo form (look at your buff bar). This increases damage by 2%. After 1.5 sec, when using another melee attack, a second stack of Juyo can be added (the icon on your buff bar for Juyo should have a "2" on it). This can occur up to five times (for 10% boost to damage).


This buff icon is separate from the one that indicates you're in Juyo stance.


Next time you are playing Annihilation, turn on Juyo (this is a must) and look at your buff bar before and after a fight.

Edited by stuffystuffs
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Ah ok thanks....odd I wonder what i am doing wrong as I die when in juyo and I survive when in the form that gives extra endurance. I have strength and endurance gear blue and purple and I'm level 28 but just now on tatt which lord is there a lot of empty space on this planet (I wish there were some pub people marked with pvp on borderlands to make it at least a little more interesting)


I have most of my skills in annihilation and some in carnage with 1 in rage to make the cool down on the flip skill lower.

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When leveling up, it is best not to hybrid yourself. You will be far more effective if you put all your points into your main skill tree until you have your top skill. Mara really need that last skill to make the tree "work". Other classes can hybrid and skip it and be effective, for Mara it is really a must have.


As Anni, you will want to stack your dots up as much as possible. So while force jumping to target, activate Deadly Saber. Follow it up with Rupture, and then rage builders and such, reapplying DS and Rupture when available. Also, just Bloodthrist when available. This will increase your damage output, and the healing you get from your dots critting.

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Ah ok thanks....odd I wonder what i am doing wrong as I die when in juyo and I survive when in the form that gives extra endurance. I have strength and endurance gear blue and purple and I'm level 28 but just now on tatt which lord is there a lot of empty space on this planet (I wish there were some pub people marked with pvp on borderlands to make it at least a little more interesting)


I have most of my skills in annihilation and some in carnage with 1 in rage to make the cool down on the flip skill lower.


Are you using Quinn? He should keep you alive.

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Eh no I use vette as I find her more entertaining especially since I am pure evil and as such my character loves to mess with her (and she looks much better in the slave outfit than Quinn).


Ok I'll reassign skill points to put them all in annihil and work on using the skills the way you say. Deadly saber is that the throw...? I don't use the throw much.


Where should I have my points and am I making a mistake in how I gear myself relying on str and ent? I don't really use the mods and such that give crit points.

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Eh no I use vette as I find her more entertaining especially since I am pure evil and as such my character loves to mess with her (and she looks much better in the slave outfit than Quinn).


Ok I'll reassign skill points to put them all in annihil and work on using the skills the way you say. Deadly saber is that the throw...? I don't use the throw much.


Where should I have my points and am I making a mistake in how I gear myself relying on str and ent? I don't really use the mods and such that give crit points.


Str gear over End always.

Quinn makes Annihilation way easier, but all companions are viable as long as you have them geared with their main stat.



That link is where your points should be at level 28

a 31/3/7 build is best for Annihilation.

3 in Dual Wield mastery in Carnage

and in Rage tree you want Ravager, Malice and Brutality.

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Deadly saber is that the throw...? I don't use the throw much.



no, Deadly Saber is a skill that you want to hit every time it's up when fighting ,read the tooltip, I can't remember right now the exact description.

Force Charge (then hit Deadly Saber while in the air to save time).

Once you get all of these skills, your opening rotation should be: Force Charge,Deadly Saber, Battering Assault, Annihilate,Rupture,Ravage.

This will maximize damage output right off the bat.


Stick with it, don't get frustrated because once you learn the class, it's a total BEAST leveling up in PVE and you should almost never die.

You'll know you're doing it right, when you can kill an Elite mob 4 levels above you :)

And if you use Quinn, you'll finish that fight with 70% health or more.

Edited by Thundergulch
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Definitly str over end yes (though i love off tanking) but what about end and crit? I have been choosing end as my second important stat before any others. Should I be using crit gear instead?


I just don't like quinn...maybe if I was going to be anti-empire but having a comp that agrees with how I play just isn't as much fun heh.


Thanks for all the help! Dieing on alda on mobs at my level so know I am not doing something right..

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Str gear over End always.

Quinn makes Annihilation way easier, but all companions are viable as long as you have them geared with their main stat.



That link is where your points should be at level 28

a 31/3/7 build is best for Annihilation.

3 in Dual Wield mastery in Carnage

and in Rage tree you want Ravager, Malice and Brutality.


Interesting so how soon should I get the dual wield mastery? I did that first. Defensive forms I also have stuff in along with cloak of annihilation.

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Interesting so how soon should I get the dual wield mastery? I did that first. Defensive forms I also have stuff in along with cloak of annihilation.


I would get dual wield mastery after you get Deadly Saber.

and I would drop defensive forms, and drop cloak of annihilation, you don't need them, as those points are better spent elsewhere.

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Definitly str over end yes (though i love off tanking) but what about end and crit? I have been choosing end as my second important stat before any others. Should I be using crit gear instead?


I just don't like quinn...maybe if I was going to be anti-empire but having a comp that agrees with how I play just isn't as much fun heh.


Thanks for all the help! Dieing on alda on mobs at my level so know I am not doing something right..


Endurance will come with any gear you choose, don't worry about that, as for secondary stats, you want Crit,Surge and Power gear.

For leveling, I would take whatever has the most Power without sacrificing too much of Crit and Surge, it won't become crucial until you hit level 50 and start to min/max your stats. You have Bezerk that gives you crit,and Frenzy that resets the cooldown of Bezerk, this makes taking Crit gear not THAT important.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Quote: Originally Posted by zaldar

Deadly saber is that the throw...? I don't use the throw much.


No your thinking about vischous throw. Can't remember when you get it but it should be priorty after the enemy is under 30%


You should also get all orange costumizable gear and augment them. Then you get your self some surge augments in all of them and change them as you level up. The faster you can get to 300 or near surge rating the harder your bleed and etc will hit.

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From another thread:


"Annihilation got serious nerfed with the recent patch. Losing half of your self healing means you'll need to use a healer companion instead of a DPS to make things faster."


Would explain why you're dying faster as Annihalation

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