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This is a guide to the story of the Jedi Knight Character. Please be advised these are FULL OF spoilers, and more so intended to spark discussion and to show my progress through the story of this amazing class.



I have NOT finished the story yet, and therefore shall not speculate on what comes next, merely what has happened.


Also, I may not end up covering all choices. If this is true, please correct me.


Lastly, this is only the CLASS QUESTS, not COMPANION or SIDE QUESTS.



Tython: Early training.


When you first arrive on Tython, Flesh Raiders have attacked the younglings in training. Upon further investigation, you find a rogue Jedi has been teaching them.


This is also where you meet master Orgus Din.




Tython: The Flesh Raider Purge.


The rest of your training on Tython is hunting down the person responsible for this Rogue Jedi and the Flesh Raider 'invasion'. Eventually, you find out it is none other than Master Orgus Din's once-thought-dead Apprentice, who disappeared after the Sacking of Coruscant. After the Jedi-turned Sith subdues Master Orgus Din, your Jedi Knight must pursue and then be confronted with a large choice.

1. You can allow the Sith to live-- (Dark Side Points)


-- You shall gain acess to a special saber, the Dark Jedi Lightsaber.


2. You can knock him out


-- You forge a regular lightsaber, and gain light points.


3. You can kill him


-- You gain dark points.






On Coruscant, you are sent to aid Jedi Master Kiwiiks find out a Dark presence she sensed on Coruscant. Eventually, you find out that

Doctor Tarnis

betrays you, and is actually a Sith Lord. This leads to a large show down, the Jedi Knight killing Lord Tarnis, saving Coruscant, and having Tarnis's family and allies vow to hunt you down. This then begins chapter one, where you must recover and/or stop Republic Superweapons.





On Taris, you are sent on the hunt for Imperial Inteligance agent Watcher One.

You may either:



1. Kill him

--Dark points



2. Or let him live

--He will send you a lockbox in an E-mail, claiming he's "Started a new life."



Nar Shaddaa


On Nar Shaddaa, you are sent after the Power Guard project, and more specifically Agent Galen, Republic SIS agent. Power Guard creates super soldiers, and Galen, a Power Guard being controlled by Lord Sadic, must fight you. In this fight, you have two options:



1. Let Galen live

-- He shall come to aid you when you fight Sadic (light points)



2. Kill Galen

-- You shall gain dark points, but spare him from pain and misery of fighting Power Guard's programming.




Afterward, you move to confront Lord Sadic, and there is a showdown. Victorious, you are sent to Tatooine and Alderaan.





On Tatooine, you are sent after the Shock Drum, capable of literally pulling a planet apart from the inside through Seismic waves. In your hunt to stop the Shock Drum, you face a Sith Lord. You are given two options:



1. Kill him

-- You shall do what he asks for and save him the dishonor of defeat (Dark side points)



2. Let him live, wounded.

--Light Side points.




Afterward, you move to stuck the Shock Drum, and stop the Sand Demon, an ancient Beast, after finding Master Kiwiiks wounded.


Edited by jedimasterjac
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