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Character customization


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Think about if we could customize our characters more, as to chose stance while standing, stance while running, LS-fighting styles, single wielding, double etc...(think about leaping with double-LS=))) It could have been wonderful ... Our own and personal character..


There would be much more fun to pvp, where you realy dont know which class you are fighting from the start.... I mean, which "real" jedi nows before a LS-fight that the opponent is an assassin, mara, sage etc... It should be unknown at the start and then have to see his skills and guess what he is...


I would love to be able to chose playstyles, and not just for jedis/sith.

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It would be amazing, but if you want your own fighting style, you should sadly enough play DC Universe Online. That lets you create your fully own character. Even for a F2P, you can do so much with your character. So many body types, skin, fighting stances (as in Comical, Brute etc), weapon of choises, movement increase (super-running, acrobatics or flying) and your type of powers. And then you even get the to choose your own mentor. Oh, and before you start with playing. You even make your own costume (which ofcourse, you can "improve" later on in the game).


If BioWare ever had the intention to do that, then they are too late already and won't implement it now. It would obviously suck, and give too many errors, to "recreate" the existing characters.

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