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BIO vs Doc


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I've been reading that our companion, the healer one, is very good and I was wondering if taking BIO would be a waste of time for me?


I have a fully trained BIO crafter that is capable of producing most Purple implants and reusuables etc, so a supply isn't an issue, only the training.


But with the healer as companion is it worth it? or would taking BIO allow me to take a DPS companion and levle that way? If the later, are reusable s sufficient in strength to see me through most encounters?



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biochem is useful for the resuable stim/adrenal thats about it, since quinn will never get replaced by a medpac.


plus if im gonna fight a champion solo ill switch to anni+quinn = almost never ending supply of green back


plus ill never understand the reason to want to use a dps companion for lvling, its simply wasting time. the time spent capping you both off vs me sending myself to the next spawn without needing cooldowns or spending time resting is faster

Edited by darthtrunkmonkey
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Thanks for the reply, I was begining to think these forums had died since I was last around.


So you think BIOchem is still good to take or are there better things for me? I hear the craft that makes grenades ispropular............

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Thanks for the reply, I was begining to think these forums had died since I was last around.


So you think BIOchem is still good to take or are there better things for me? I hear the craft that makes grenades ispropular............


Biochem is awesome for leveling.

Reusable medpack, stims and adrenals are highly worth it.

Making your own implants is an added bonus.

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thanks. then I'llprobably go for it.


I was very pleased to see that my main had stock piled low level materials, probably for just such an occassion.


Out of interest and in the interest of elitism.... what kind of implants should I be making, if I recall correctly they all have names and such.......

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