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Where do we stand


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I'd like to know, where the sentinels stand right now.

I always lived in a world where i believed, sentinels are death machines, moderatly durable with high demand on killing stuff.


Lately on though, i begin to hear stories that we are not really worth taking into Ops, for whatever reason ( didn't really catch that in the conversation), and in PvP we can't do much of a team play or do what we are supposed to do in time with precision.


Above is pretty much a summary of what i catched on general on fleet + forums and it starts to dig into my head because currently im finishing my sentinel, lvl48 and i wonder if it is even worth it.


Cheers for responses.

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must have overheard bads talking.... for group utility they have speed/defense buff along with a damage buff. in the watchman spec they provide self heals and with zen, full group heals (even if the heals got nerfed, they are still very nice). i cant hardly understand why people would say they dont offer much to a group...


their dps is amazing, dont let bads tell you otherwise.


maybe someone had 1 bad experience with a sentinel and than automatically assumed all sentinels are bad...


sentinels are fine, the people saying this stuff probably have a thing with them and refuse two play with them.

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Its mostly the Ranked PvP where the Watchman Sentinel is not as preferred. This is due to the fact that in such teams, the healers are constantly on the watch to cleanse any burns that are used. This limits the Watchmans a bit.
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Its mostly the Ranked PvP where the Watchman Sentinel is not as preferred. This is due to the fact that in such teams, the healers are constantly on the watch to cleanse any burns that are used. This limits the Watchmans a bit.


Well the op wasn't talking about watchman specifically but I guess that still applies lol. Cleansing definitely a problem but I think the relative lack of on-demand burst for target focusing might be a bigger deal. Cleansing costs them a GCD and resource, forcing the healer to use cleanse may lower your dps but it's not the worst. At least most healers even don't check watchman sents' buffs for zen stacks and only cleanse then (of course it's been a while since I've seen a watchman/anni in ranked lol). Plus if you see they're cleansing you can start using stacks for transcendence instead of zen.


Sentinel is very good for PvE and also good in PvP. Running more than one in a ranked premade risks getting shut down by a bubble stun sorc but all teams will run with at least 1 sent (transcendence= must have for civil war, very useful in huttball too) and some two. Focus sentinels put out a lot of sustained dmg as well as burst, and will wreck the other team if they are allowed to. Great for team fights. Combat spec is also good for ranked, particularly civil war and huttball.

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This couldn't be more wrong. Sentinels are probably THE top DPS class right now. Watchman is great for PvE and Focus for PvP. Everyone HATES the 6k AOE force sweep auto-crits that Sentinels bring to PvP.


As for group utility, Inspiration is essential for most boss fights, as burn phases are becoming common.


If most groups could pick optimal class makeups, they would include at least two Sentinels for any PvE op or PvP group.

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This couldn't be more wrong. Sentinels are probably THE top DPS class right now. Watchman is great for PvE and Focus for PvP. Everyone HATES the 6k AOE force sweep auto-crits that Sentinels bring to PvP.


As for group utility, Inspiration is essential for most boss fights, as burn phases are becoming common.


If most groups could pick optimal class makeups, they would include at least two Sentinels for any PvE op or PvP group.


I would say the optimal ranked wz group would only have 1 sentinel, mostly because of the prevalence of bubble stunners that can shut us down. If you want a second smasher you probably want a guardian for taunts and the ability to switch to tank spec/gear for huttball and voidstar defense.

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This couldn't be more wrong. Sentinels are probably THE top DPS class right now. Watchman is great for PvE and Focus for PvP. Everyone HATES the 6k AOE force sweep auto-crits that Sentinels bring to PvP.


As for group utility, Inspiration is essential for most boss fights, as burn phases are becoming common.


If most groups could pick optimal class makeups, they would include at least two Sentinels for any PvE op or PvP group.


I think this sums it up nicely. Watchman is pretty dead in PvP and combat is getting shut down by the bubble spec. I think a quality group will still be running a focus/combat pair and combat numbers will bump back up after the bubble stun is fixed.

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