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One month in


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I've been playing for a month now and, as you would expect from a Bioware title, the story campaign is excellent with great voice acting and witty writing. However, the moment I hit level 50, I began to PvP and unfortunately, that's where things started to go wrong. PvP in TOR is appalling. It is fundamentally broken.


Forgetting the fact for the moment that Warrior class is so ridiculously over powered that bring four or more and you'll dominate the match, or that you're limited to the same boring, two dimensional maps in Warzones which get pretty boring pretty fast, the game is riddled with bugs. After a year I shouldn't be getting stuck on scenery, I shouldn't be stunned forever after someone hits me with a stun, I shouldn't be limited to only being able to run backwards or unable to move at all. The targeting system is a mess with it often arbitrarily un-targeting the person you had targeted for no apparent reason. You shouldn't have to keep closing your chat window that, by its own accord, not only opens but also sticks your cursor there so your movement is typing out blasted letters. Just as bad is when I click on an ability/force power and nothing happens. Or when I'll stand still for five seconds because I've been killed but the server is lagging so badly that it hasn't caught up or, last but not least, the fugging character sheet opening even though you have disabled its hotkey.


Not one of these bugs did I get in the month of the story campaign, nor do I ever get them whilst PvEing. The only time they occur is when PvPing. PvP should be fun, not a chore, it should be about who is the most skillful, not who brings the most Warriors or who suffers the most bugs. As a result, this game feels like a single player game with a shoddy multiplayer tagged on to the back of it. Bioware, you need to do much better.


Troll away.

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Yeah there are a lot of problems, but it's not horrible to the point where I want to quit entirely. It's still fun for me, and it's the only thing I do or care about in this game, it's the only thing that keeps me around. Edited by Solarenergy
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Yeah there are a lot of problems, but it's not horrible to the point where I want to quit entirely. It's still fun for me, and it's the only thing I do or care about in this game, it's the only thing that keeps me around.


Unfortunately it is for me and, I suspect, a lot of others. The fact that PvP success or failure is out of my hands due to lax bug fixing and lack of balancing is enough to make me want to leave the game. Luckily there is enough PvE content and story campaigns for the other classes as to keep me around for a while but not indefinitely. With games like Guild Wars 2 and PlanetSide 2 out and TESO due soon, I cannot see Bioware retaining their TOR customers unless they fix the issues fast.

Edited by Ulfrik_Wulfgar
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