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to EWH or to not EWH


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So i have a level 41 carnage marauder and i have almost maxed comms and around 700 ranked warzone coms. I was wondering if i should convert all my ranked warzone comms to normal comms when i hit 50, or if I should spend them on EWH. I heard that EWH was bad, and if it's true should i keep stacking warzone comms to convert later, buy level 40 pvp armour, or buy medpacks and adrenaline.
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You're not going to be able to buy EWH gear when you hit 50 regardless. You'll get your recruit gear and then you'll have to grind for WH gear. EWH requires the equivalent WH piece along with the RWZ comms. It's basically the same as it ever was for fresh 50s, it's just that they got rid of Battlemaster(which is basically recruit gear now) and added EWH. The grind is the same.


Standard practice for Maras have been to buy the Vindicator gear(at least any 4 out of the 5 - head,chest,hands,legs,boots) instead of Weaponmaster, and rip out the mods/enhancements and put them into any custom gear. This is for the 10% dmg for 5 sec bonus you get from the heavy armor vindicator set(that you can't wear cause it's heavy). There is one perk to the change to PvP gear in 1.6 in that it used to be that the set bonus was tied to the armor shell for Battlemaster gear, but tied to the armoring of War Hero gear. Since you couldn't actually wear the vindicator BM gear, you wouldn't benefit from the bonus until you upgraded to the WH gear(long grind). Now that WH is unchanged, you can get that bonus right away after upgrading from recruit.

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I know that i cant get full anything but recruit when i hit 50 and i know what the armors are and everything. I was asking basically if EWH is worth it and if not what should i spend my RWZ comms on Edited by CloudOfBr
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OK, I see where I kinda misinterpreted what you were asking. Whether or not EWH is worth it or not is up to you and how much of a competitive edge you are willing to sacrifice your time for. It may not be a huge boost to stats, but it is something and you'll still want to min/max down the line.


I'd say that even if you don't decide to go EWH or not until you are full WH, I would bank your current 700 RWZ comms and cap out by doing the weeklies. At that point you can start converting them to WZ comms and make the WH grind a bit faster.


I'm pretty sure I've read that they are looking to make future PvP less reliant on gear stats with more emphasis on player skill. I don't know how they plan on doing this exactly, but it's meant to close the gap between fresh 50s and fully EWH min/maxed players. Maybe they'll have better queuing to match player stats, but that depends on the available pool, and doesn't address pre-mades. So in the meantime, grind. What else do you have to do? ;)

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