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Watchmen Focus Spec Min/Max Question.


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I have started PvPing with the Focus spec as a Sentinel and have heard people say stack power to make your smashes hit harder. I have been ripping the mods out of WH vindicator gloves and Enhancements out of WH Mystic gloves. However, do I do this for every piece or should I have a certain amount of accuracy and crit? Anyone who plays the spec trying to min/max able to link their gear to give me an example what i should shoot for. Edited by Darth_Nihilis
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I have started PvPing with the Focus spec as a Sentinel and have heard people say stack power to make your smashes hit harder. I have been ripping the mods out of WH vindicator gloves and Enhancements out of WH Mystic gloves. However, do I do this for every piece or should I have a certain amount of accuracy and crit? Anyone who plays the spec trying to min/max able to link their gear to give me an example what i should shoot for.


This is what I'll probably have for my gear setup after I get all my EWH mods: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/ded5b473-2ac9-4a9c-8c1b-dafdf9ce8c18.

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I have started PvPing with the Focus spec as a Sentinel and have heard people say stack power to make your smashes hit harder. I have been ripping the mods out of WH vindicator gloves and Enhancements out of WH Mystic gloves. However, do I do this for every piece or should I have a certain amount of accuracy and crit? Anyone who plays the spec trying to min/max able to link their gear to give me an example what i should shoot for.


Wait, are you WH min/maxing or EWH min/maxing?

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Considering the automatic crits on sweep you probably want a fair bit of surge stacked as well. Besides that your main damage dealer is a force attack so accuracy shouldn't be massively necessary, though a little wouldn't hurt and you don't really rely on crits for anything while getting quite a few boosts to crit within the tree so there is relatively little need to stack that particularly high. So your main secondary stats should be power/surge I believe. Only leveled in focus though so if someone with more experienced comments I'd follow their advice :) Edited by WooliestWorm
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