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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Top 5 PvP Guilds on Shadowlands


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Correction I have seen death sentence in rated! But it was short lived. They lost every game so bad they gave up on rated and moved too morning pvp in regular wzs too call themselves an elite pvp guild. If someone else wants to run there mouth about ranked pvp that I've never seen even doing more than once. Que up we have cookies :rolleyes:
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1. Infinite Darkness

2. Physics

3. Dark Jesters

4. Wook

5. Wanted





We dont do ranked yet on Army of the Republic or The Army of Darkness, we are mainly a pve guild but about 12 of us are starting to get into pvp more. We have a bunch of lower levels grind max comms and Some of us are using some of our current 50s as cannon fodder gearing up the hard way hehe but I would agree with the above list even though I havent seen many DJ or Wanted yet.


I will say one thing for sure ID is the one team that even when i get rolled constantly I come away feeling alright about it cause I never had a match against them yet that made me question whether something done was legit or not.

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go slay some more dragons!!! Why do you keep posting on these threads XDD lol


Lol, because this is a PvE game... with broken PvP... and no PvE content... and there really is nothing left to do in-game...


But when the PTS server comes up with character copies, we will be able to basically get cross server RWZ: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=589582


You might see a Bronopoly, Kilothian, and mixture of old SMS players form up for some rated action on the PTS. And you can count on the fact that we will be stun bubbling and roflsweeping.




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As an anonymous/unguilded player that that Qs solo all the time it is my opinion that Physics is the best....with ID very close if not equal to that. The rest are hit or miss. To be fair I have seen every guild get their asses handed to them....and on a few rare occasions horribly and embarrassingly lol. Everyone fails at times, but statistically when I am randomly placed with 4 members of either Physics or ID I win. These 2 guild also, more often than most, realize there are 4 other players not of there guild with them {in regs} and make an effort to lay out basic tactics.


Most other guilds {in the statistics I have collected over time} suffer from myopic tendencies. They fail to communicate with others....and as a result all suffer and we lose. Naturally they then speak...only to blame the non-members of their guild. Sure sometimes the 4 of the same guild can carry the rest, but that is an exception in my experience. {especially when the opponent is not a pushover}.


While I cannot speak for all member {all guilds have their egomanics and cool headed pros} as I have no emotional attachment {as I am not capable of it to begin with} to any other player in the game....they are always the most profession in behavior also. I never recall one negative comment from Phyics or ID toward myself. Another great thing about these 2 guilds imo....is they are very situationally aware.....it is awesome as I look for this when I Q up. I, myself, dislike having to speak/type, but prefer to adapt and fill a role seemlessly.


These 2 guilds allow me to do that...and they do not even know me {aside from perhaps seeing me over time and knowing my class(es)}.


To be fair to all the guilds I have run with {with includes them all}...they all have their moments in the Sun....and every guild on that list have beaten every other guild at least once that I have witnessed {as I pvp solo in the 50s on both sides}. Suffice to say when I Q up as a Rep I fear ID and P, but on the imp side none of the Rep guild scare me.

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I suppose even the worst pvpers in the game get an opinion. It only means it's equally as bad as they are though. Any time you want to see what a merc can actually do in any of the three specs let me know. I'll put on recruit gear and unplug my keyboard to level the playing field.


Funny, I think your comment along with all the others directed at me are purely down to the fact you simply dislike me, nothing more, nothing less, and quite frankly your a ***. I speak my mind "something the majority of you fear it appears", if you can not take the heat, then quite frankly get out of the kitchen. Does that compute?, do you understand, or do I have to talk 1+1 with you and in fact the majority, not the minority, but "Majority" of you in TOR?.


You do not see me dragging in my guild members or anyone in fact into your petty arguments, something so many of you do as you are basically weak minded to deal with your own private business without help and literally have no respect for other peoples views regardless of how hard it can be to stomach, whilst needing backing from the forums for your little hits. This is something quite incest in this game, most of you seem to brown nose so hard that I can smell it all the way here in the UK. Q. Am I actually dealing with sane people?.


If you continue to delude yourselves with this, it will drive you utterly bonkers, you do know this don't you, I will grind you down to the ground and still be there unless the GMs state otherwise, and most of the time I stick within their EULA rules, most of the time :). One day you will see this and just go away with your buddies and get on with your little life of wastage, because if you think I care what ya think, then think again. "THINK", a simple and meaningful word that may have some of you confused.


Keep pursuing whatever it is you are pursuing against me, you will fail, most do and even those who do manage such a feat, I will still be in your face, so why bother?. Sorry to give you a rain check, but reality hits hard to the likes of you.


Please keep your propaganda coming, it is how can I put it, like a nice juicy steak to me, and it is not quite the way I like it, so please do continue with it. I will let you know when you have cooked it the way I like it. Although, I have this feeling you will never achieve whatever it is you are trying to achieve.


Take care to my adoring and loving fans.



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Edd and I hissed and made up.... errr I mean kissed and made up. ;)


I rest my case Kyarra, do any of you know what private business means?. Why do you have this desire to air any business I have or anyone elses in fact, are you really what I stereotype people like you as, you know the Facebook kind of person, utter bollocks chit chat, back stab, I mean seriously, are you what I think you are?. The nickname Snake still applies to you like a bad credit rating which I am pretty sure you have anyway, and still to this day I am amazed at how many people fall for your BS. It does not happen in the real world though does it Kyarra, so live your dream on your computer, it is the only place you will have it. Take pride in it, but never forget there are people intelligent enough to see right through you like a ghost.


May I suggest something, and this goes for a lot of you really, go on holiday, somewhere nice, I am on the 8 feb till 22 feb, chill out, learn about some other cultures, get out of your labored and brainwashed country, learn about respect, then, just maybe you will not have these obsessive desires some of you have.


Your hiss will eventually die out, as the grass gets shorter, you will have no more places to hide.

Edited by FatEdd
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Correction I have seen death sentence in rated! But it was short lived. They lost every game so bad they gave up on rated and moved too morning pvp in regular wzs too call themselves an elite pvp guild. If someone else wants to run there mouth about ranked pvp that I've never seen even doing more than once. Que up we have cookies :rolleyes:


Ermm, you see the thing is where as the what are known as "braindeads", possibly yourself?, seem to think you are only good if you do RWZ, however, there are those who look at specific peoples qualities and see things a little differently than the likes of you, scallywag.


In every guild there will be some fantastic PvPers including dare I say it yours?, maybe?, and yes Death-Sentence have some really quality non stiring players, you know quality, can mash you in a 1v1 without needing 3 healers quality, ye, compute yet, or you on Microsoft download or something?. Just because they do not run RWZ all the time does not mean they are rubbish, this is tiny brain talk again from yet another silly funny farmer, gaa, gaa goo, goo, mummy I have thrown my rattle out of my pram, that is how I see people who are do RWZ boowhoo, whaaa, whatever, you ding bat, it is not all about YOU YOU YOU and RWZ RWZ RWZ, yea?, it is about individuals who have quality and I look at the truth not who has 4 healers and 4 smashers in a group. Learn some respect mate about other gamers who would basically tan your hide like a leather workshop would.


It is to me not about 8 people, it is about the qualities regular so called rubbish PvPers have that the likes of you will never have. Dignity and respect.

Edited by FatEdd
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