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That's patently false, so please stop spreading this misinformation like it's the gospel. We have beat yours (Wait, which guild are you in now? I can't keep track of them all.) and ASB's and several other Pub guild teams in Ranked before. ASB beat us in the last few Ranked matches we've had against them, but you weren't there. If you had been, we probably would have won those. As for regular WZs, we only lose those with a single 4-man group (partial premade) when the other half of our team consists of people like Darkoakleaf who actively sabotages the match (he's pulled his own teammates into fire and acid in HB, pulled our DPS off enemy healers, pulled our ball carrier out of the opposing endzone, etc.), or Recruit-geared players who aren't even using a lightsaber form, or with players who believe Predation is an ability their Marauder doesn't possess, and so on. Those are just some recent examples - with some exceptions, most of the Imp PUGs are truly that awful. In any of the numerous times I've been in an 8-man Grim team (two partial premades) in regular WZs, we've never lost to a Republic PUG. The very few times we/ve lost with two 4-man groups in the same WZ is typically when we've faced a similar team, such as ASB or Infamous, or the combination of two such guilds, in which case it's more like a Ranked match at that point and usually comes down to class composition.


And for the record, we don't group up for regular WZs just to stomp PUGs. We do it because we enjoy playing together. We do it to reduce the number of terribad Imp players that invariably end up in the match with us. And we do it because we're often seeing Republic partial premades from one or more of the many Pub guilds that are decent at PvP. The latter are the matches we look forward to because win or lose, they're always a good, close fight.


Well time for me to bust out the screenshots. Be back soon. :)

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When i was in Exiles every time we tried to get you guys to do ranked you would first ask who you were fighting, then come up with an excuse for why you couldnt come. That was Exiles. ASB's ranked team is twice the team Exiles was, and your saying you beat them in ranked? I want some of what your drinkin pal :D


Just the other day you guys from grim told a pub ranked group not to bring too many sentinels...tough guys you are :rolleyes:


Grandstanding will get you nowhere, anyone who plays 50 pvp on this server knows who the top dog pvp guild is, and the name doesnt start with a "G"

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Well time for me to bust out the screenshots. Be back soon. :)


Save the bandwidth. You're going to post screenshots of the matches where you've won, but what about all the ones you've lost? I don't suppose you kept any of those, did you? Of course not. Just to give you some insight, I've personally been in many of those you've lost against us, and the running joke is "I don't think Neo will be screenshotting this one."

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When i was in Exiles every time we tried to get you guys to do ranked you would first ask who you were fighting, then come up with an excuse for why you couldnt come. That was Exiles. ASB's ranked team is twice the team Exiles was, and your saying you beat them in ranked? I want some of what your drinkin pal :D


Just the other day you guys from grim told a pub ranked group not to bring too many sentinels...tough guys you are :rolleyes:


Grandstanding will get you nowhere, anyone who plays 50 pvp on this server knows who the top dog pvp guild is, and the name doesnt start with a "G"


I was merely correcting some grossly inaccurate information. I'm not sure how you can possibly interpret that as grandstanding, but whatever.


We didn't do Ranked consistently back then. We couldn't always get the right class mix to do Ranked, and as we all know, class composition can make the difference in Ranked. Now we do Ranked usually every Monday night. I know for a fact we've beaten ASB because I've been in one or two of those matches. Granted, they win more often, but we have beaten them, and we will again.


As far as telling a Pub team who to bring or not to bring, I've never heard of that happening. But cool story, bro.

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Save the bandwidth. You're going to post screenshots of the matches where you've won, but what about all the ones you've lost? I don't suppose you kept any of those, did you? Of course not. Just to give you some insight, I've personally been in many of those you've lost against us, and the running joke is "I don't think Neo will be screenshotting this one."


What a sense of humor. :rak_01: I actually screen every match, win or loss. You claim that you havent lost to pugs. I'm going to prove you wrong. Spoke too soon pal. And btw why are you always so angry lol? It's just a game, you can relax you know? ;)


As far as telling a Pub team who to bring or not to bring, I've never heard of that happening. But cool story, bro.


lol you must not be in the cool kids club then. It's actually, and quite shamefully, true. Telling people which players they can play if they want to fight you in ranked. But only the bestest guilds do that right? :D

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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I was merely correcting some grossly inaccurate information. I'm not sure how you can possibly interpret that as grandstanding, but whatever.


We didn't do Ranked consistently back then. We couldn't always get the right class mix to do Ranked, and as we all know, class composition can make the difference in Ranked. Now we do Ranked usually every Monday night. I know for a fact we've beaten ASB because I've been in one or two of those matches. Granted, they win more often, but we have beaten them, and we will again.


As far as telling a Pub team who to bring or not to bring, I've never heard of that happening. But cool story, bro.


Nobody wins every match, even with your 8 mans. If you get bitter because of that then maybe you should take a break. But as for ranked you can deny it all you want, but i've talked to people in your guild who tell me that you guys dont want to run ranked because you hate going against republic ranked teams. Same person tells me that you guys have been running in house ranked matches to get your rating higher.. he must be telling me wrong information yes?

Edited by J_Fred
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Just the other day you guys from grim told a pub ranked group not to bring too many sentinels...tough guys you are :rolleyes:


This wasn't a Grim team. It wasn't set up by Grim, it didn't even include all the members of Grim's ranked team. It was set up by someone else. Grim members -happened- to be on it. This was clarified in another thread by the person who set the games up. In fact, the Grim members on it, didn't know anything about that. I would know, I was one of them.


Let's be careful about misinformation.

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Same person tells me that you guys have been running in house ranked matches to get your rating higher.. he must be telling me wrong information yes?


The in guild ranked has nothing to do with rating, lol. We like to gear our players, and when we have 29 people online, like tonight, why not get in guild ranked going to gear?


I take a ranked match any time I can get it. That's why I was in that pug group and know what happened. That's also why my rating sucks, haha. I just like pvp. Win or lose, I don't care.


I think a whole lot of mellowing out needs to happen here. Grim isn't doing anything maliciously. We are not trying to roflstomp pugs. But if you have 20 people on in a pvp guild, yes our groups are going to happen to run into each other frequently.

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And finally, to the OP... I only use bubble spec for a change of pace. I love the full heal spec and do pretty well, survivability wise. That is the unfortunate nature of being a squishy healer: getting focused.


I do love hearing about how other sorcs do it in pvp though. There is always more to learn, I know I have a lot to learn, so if you ever want to chat, let me know!

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The in guild ranked has nothing to do with rating, lol. We like to gear our players, and when we have 29 people online, like tonight, why not get in guild ranked going to gear?


I take a ranked match any time I can get it. That's why I was in that pug group and know what happened. That's also why my rating sucks, haha. I just like pvp. Win or lose, I don't care.


I think a whole lot of mellowing out needs to happen here. Grim isn't doing anything maliciously. We are not trying to roflstomp pugs. But if you have 20 people on in a pvp guild, yes our groups are going to happen to run into each other frequently.


Lol not what I heard from someone inside your own guild. But I wont bother arguing, I dont much care to be honest. As for the last part of your statement, just stop. The OP is obviously trolling because nobody has any issue with your guild, pugs or not. PUB side has the best pugs on the server. You can't argue with that. You win some, you lose some. Get over it. Beating recruit geared players, or players in leveling greens, thats a different thing, and anyone can do that. As I said earlier, just please stop with the barney complex. But perhaps its difficult with the guild who claims to contain the "general manager" of pvp and "most important pvper on the faction" .LOL. Clicky

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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Yea cuz the guys in this screenshot really need to farm war hero...oh wait, its easy mode now so why are you "farming" ranked comms again?



Like i said back in exiles scyn would try very hard for you guys to get your players into ranked, but there was always an excuse.


You definitely wont admit it, but according to the person i've talked to, who is in that match screened above, guys cant take it in the big leagues with the big boys so you fluff your rating by throwing the less fortunate members of your guild under the bus :rolleyes:


The alternative is getting creamed by ASB in ranked :p

You guys are good at excuses, so im sure youll find a few dozen of them to explain away what im sayin as complete nonsense,


cya in warzones gwimmies :eek:

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The OP is obviously trolling because nobody has any issue with your guild, pugs or not. PUB side has the best pugs on the server. You can't argue with that. You win some, you lose some. Get over it. Beating recruit geared players, or players in leveling greens, thats a different thing, and anyone can do that. As I said earlier, just please stop with the barney complex. But perhaps its difficult with the guild who claims to contain the "general manager" of pvp and "most important pvper on the faction" .LOL. Clicky


None of this was anything I said, nor had anything to do with what I said. I wasn't complaining about pugs, Imp or Pub side. In fact, I said.. "Win or lose, I don't care."


Also, you are linking to the post of one man's opinion.


Edit: since it filtered one of my words!

Edited by Jaddis
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I remember that J_Fred. It would usually start with something like "Who are you guys running?" Tell them who, then its <insert excuse here>. If you couldnt do it, why ask? This happened every time lol. It is a shame that you've resorted to farming each other for ratings (according to one of your own lol). And I guess its a coinkidinky that SWTOR's 2012 Mr. PVP was on the side that won? :p
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Hrm, okay then, I guess -I- don't care about rating when I do them.


Which makes me wonder... why would anyone care about rating at this point anyway. *shrug*


Suggesting we revisit the whole mellowing out idea again.


Edit: I thought of a great idea! Urd! Come to the rescue, give us a post about a great outfit, or a plug for your show!

Edited by Jaddis
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It matters to the people who actually earned it the right way. Whats unfortunate is that this in house ranked thing isnt exclusive to our server. As a result, when bioware finally gets its act together with the pvp side of this game they will most likely wipe the current ratings because some people wanted to go the easy way out. Who cares you say? Well I care because back when my guild was alive we worked hard every ranked game for the rating we earned. Its gonna suck if that happens as well for guilds like ASB and Exiles, or any other guild that took ranked warzones seriously. Edited by J_Fred
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Thank you for directing players to my post, I try to keep it updated instead of making new replies, and wonder if anyone reads it. I stand by what I've written, but I promise I acted alone.


only reason i checked was because i heard a loud noise. You forgot to turn the vacuum off :eek:

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IAs a result, when bioware finally gets its act together with the pvp side of this game they will most likely wipe the current ratings because some people wanted to go the easy way out. Who cares you say?


I should have elaborated: it's preseason. It has been preseason. No matter what... scores WILL be wiped. If/when Bioware remembers that they promised us seasons.

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I should have elaborated: it's preseason. It has been preseason. No matter what... scores WILL be wiped. If/when Bioware remembers that they promised us seasons.


Well that tends to happen when you have a new story every time we turn around. ;)


lmao im liking the pug approved XD


Glad you liked it. :)

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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I’m sorry, I hate jumping into forum arguments like this because the drama just wears me out, but I feel compelled to comment.


I have never claimed to be the best player on the server; no one in GD that I know of has claimed to be the best player on the server; and in fact I think most of us in the guild would agree that in fact the BEST of the best are Republic players. I have no disillusions that Ascension Strikes Back has the top players on the server (especially after picking up some of the top Exiles players), I believe they do and it’s why they tend to beat us more than we beat them.


I realize GD loses, sometimes we lose games we shouldn’t, and there is a variety of reasons as to why that happens. Sometimes it’s because we have players on our team who don’t play the team game, sometimes we have players who are undergeared and just can’t handle the opposition, and sometimes we simply get outplayed. All of these scenarios happen to everyone and to say we “aren’t that great” because we lose is silly. Going by that logic everyone on this server is “not that great” because everyone has lost a game (or several).


Now, looking at your screenshots, I have a hard time honestly believing anyone would call this a full PUG beating a GD premade. You guys may not have queued together and the game may have just put you in the same match on the same team (as does happen to us often), but these players are by no means what anyone would define as a PUG player.


Note: There are some players in these matches who prove to perform well, but I’m pointing out specifically those names who are known virtually server wide to be good players.




This team had Fluxs, Myrmedon and Nabio alongside yourself, all decent (or better) PvPers. Meanwhile you played against four GD players who held their own on the scoreboard, and judging from the 2-2 score, the game seemed to be fairly even. Dashara even pulled out highest heals AND damage in that game (at least that I can see, I don’t know how Sawbones did healing, your—frankly quite annoying—pug is in the way of his heals).



This team had Kaos, Kylen and Milani with you, playing against four GD again. Once again the score was close and the GD players held their own.



Here you had Lynx (who is Denetrin for those who don't know), Myrmedon and Ezekils with you against five GD. Again, the GD players held their own on the scoreboard, comparatively speaking, and the score was close (846-816 is not too far off in Ancient Hypergates).



This team had a three Sentinel murderhouse, with you, Feken and Youngster facing off against five GD players. I expect in this game GD just didn’t have the ability to handle the incredible damage you three can put out from focus fire, which is why you topped the damage charts rather handily. In this game GD was outperformed by raw damage.

Note: Chemistry is not a member of GD. Reiena however is, as this was Jaadis’ name after the server transfers and before she was able to reclaim her old name. I also can’t see how well she performed as your pug is once again blocking the view.



Here you had Lynx, Myrmedon, Ardevall and Oola with you, and Hugob I’ve recognized him a few times, he’s a decent player as well. You played five GD in this match and significantly outperformed in damage, although two of them in that game were healers and a third was a tank. Four tough Sentinels in that game just made it hard on the other team, as they are wont to do.



Here it gets interesting. In this game you have Kaos, Shepard, Feken, Zeeth, Beleg and Phalanx with you on your team. Another four-Sentinel wrecking machine just hammered down the seven GD players, not to mention Shepard and Phalanx, and all of you backed by Beleg's legendary healing capacity (I say seven because Danielia is also a member of GD). GD clearly got outplayed in this game.



In this game you had Feken, Kylen, Konstance, Oola and Milani against a full 8 GD group. I can’t really see heal stats because again, your pug is in the way, but it’s apparent you outperformed in damage, although GD did alright there. Again, however, this looks like a case of simply being outplayed. I wasn’t there so I can’t confirm but I speculate that given the 8-0 scoreboard and the fact you had stealthers, I suspect a stealth cap planted on the first door and you did a good job of handling crowd control on us as you advanced. Stealthers are something that GD sorely needs practice handling.



My assessment of the games is pure speculation, I wasn’t in any of those and I don’t pretend to know what happened play-by-play. However it seems fairly clear that in none of these matches did you have a full PUG against a GD premade, nor did you ever have a half-PUG against a full GD 8-man. The closest games you came to being able to say “we beat you with a PUG” were the fourth and seventh shots you posted, and those were 3 known Republic vs 5 GD and 6 known Republic vs 8 GD, and in both of those games the PUGs you did have performed at least on par with the Imperial team, if not better.


We understand you do not like GD and that is your right, but posting things like this that hyperbolize our “lack of skill” just make you look worse than us. I would ask that you refrain from posting things that are either specific instances and not indicative of the whole, or things that just are incorrect.

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Ummm PUG means pick up group, just because someone is a good player that doesn't disqualify them as being a pug if they solo q. I solo q a lot on Shepard, Myrm, and Kas, but that doesn't mean I am not a pug. If anything those screenshots just prove that the republic side has a better pool of pugs, cause I can assure you players from 3-4 different guilds aren't scheming to get on the same team together. Not to mention, while we do have many skilled players pubside I'm pretty sure that members from several different guilds who happen to get on the same team are not communicating in voice chat like a conventional premade will.


And if for whatever reason you fail to see how all this is relevant, then read the OP again. He is complaining about you guys "ruining" 50 pvp for people. He plays a sage. If you play on this faction then you will know that when you q for warzone at 50, your going to get at least 2-3 players from a combination of the following guilds: blue suns, infamous, dead on arrival, ascension strikes back, aeternum ascension, company, all of which have competent pvpers. And that's not all, there are plenty more guilds with great pvpers who I just can't recall right now. These guilds make up the majority of our warzone pugs.

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