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Links for great Marauder threads


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I know initially this may appear somewhat lazy, but I am returning to the game from an absence of around 9 months or so and have decided on causing havoc (at least hoping too) with a Marauder.


Seeing as it's been a while I'm sure there are a world of changes that have taken place, which is in part the reason I am starting new character rather than using my older one (L30 Marauder).


I am looking for some links to some great Marauder threads that will give me an idea on how to progress and possibly why to take certain paths. I have started reading the larger replied threads here but quite often they turn into a "your rotation suxors" which I have no interest in.


Is it possible that some of you good folk out there might link me to some great threads that are known for their content rather than the internal battles and also any good Marauder videos that are still relative.




ps. I'm surprised there isn't a locked thread at the top with these kind of linksl

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Thanks for the reply. I wasn't to worried about gear, although I have read that it is vitally important for Marauders, but then I guess that is the same for everyone.


It was more about the tree and what skills to take and why.


The kind of thing I was familiar with read was "take X skill because it increases xyz and when you use that skill in battle you get crit 100%" etc etc.


Any og those kinda threads still around?



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