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Sith Inquisitor, light side and Silencer


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I write this post because I am disappointed. I have managed to play light side Sith to the very end of story without once feeling that I couldn't pick almost light side choice. I have gone with peaceful resolutions and talking. I haven't done single quest involving the ongoing war (the class quest doesn't really involve it).


Some choices I have had to little convince myself that the result wasn't that bad, for example (Class story, Nomar Organa):



I thought that I had gotten away with the worst thing that I did was to make Nomar bend a little and have a relationship (didn't lie at all in quest, just didn't tell lady Rist I was ultimately after an artifact). Got the vault key as a gift and then the fool jedi wouldn't listen to reason and made me kill him (Organa vault, Nomar ambush). So his fault :D



Then there is the fact that I have had Ashara as active companion since acquired (

her peaceful jedi masters wouldn't hear me out and attacked -> way to go epitomes of reasoning and peace

). She hasn't had problem with my light side sith and I have told her how I want different

kind of Empire and are willing to work with rogue jedis' to achieve peace and BOOM -> You are forced to build super weapon even though you say to the moff that I have absolutely no love for the Empire.


So basically I stopped playing at the start (resetted it to start) of class quest line Building a power base. I just couldn't any way convince myself that building super weapons and handing them to military is any way to build real peace or change the Empire for better without resorting to evil.



I didn't finish the quest line, but I can't see any way how basically good person, who just tries to survive in "hostile" Empire, could go through with aforementioned.

Edited by FINNT
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