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Issues with roots not being applied


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Since I returned from my break I've noticed that the majority of the time I leap on someone, crippling throw them or ravage them they just run off like nothing is happening (combat spec).


Did they change something I'm not seeing the patch notes or is this a bug? Anyone else having this issue? It happens back to back to back so I know they're not using a breaker or anything. Like leap, run away, crippling throw, they keep running, start ravage and they don't even get stuck for a SECOND. Very frustrating.

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If you try to root a heal specced sorc/sage during force speed they wont get rooted because it breaks all roots.



This dood wins the thread.



KINDA ON TOPIC: It would be almost okay to add roots to the resolve system, IFffff the root from Force Leap always applied, ALWAYS APPLIED.


Force Leap needs that small duration root for it to really work. Force Leaping to a root immune turbo Sorc just makes the game feel busted.

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