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Remove the Interrupt from Force Charge


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I wouldn't nerf the force charge range, its just very hard to get a cast off as a Merc or Sorc. I want melee to have capability to get around, but the options these classes have are simply inferior with compared to reliable damage and options melee currently have. It is very easy for melee to close the gaps and keep in melee range, but it would be nice if it was nearly as easy to create a gap as ranged, or at least do damage semi-reliably if we are forced to stay up close.


Personally I want my Sorc's melee attacks to benefit from my main stat like every other class. It might not be much, but at least being able to pretend I have a light-saber and being able to do some solid direct damage without casting would be nice since I constantly end up in melee ranged anyway.


As for the comments on vengeance, it is already the best 1v1 spec for juggs in the game. It just needs to have its damage brought up a little, and if unstoppable is removed then compensate for it. Unstoppable is very overpowered, especially since it is attached to the class that is already the best at running the ball in hutball. It may not seem like much to you, but 4 seconds of immunity is a lot of time where a merc or sorc can't do anything in return. Its a bad mechanic thats not fun to play around as ranged, but that by no means is me saying I want vengeance nerfed to the ground. If you nerf a class or spec, it also needs to be compensated.


Just simply nerfing a class is harmful to the player base unless a direct nerf is the only way to balance the game for fairness.


yeah, because warriors and knights, especially lolrauders haven't been roflstomping wzs for months on end now? They aren't exactly slackers in PvE dps and utility either.


And btw, I was responding to the guy saying that they have no means of interrupting outside of leap, because I'm all for removing the absurd bonuses knights and warriors get at the moment. I don't know any other class that gets their 3 second channel made uninteruptable from the get go (master strike/ravage) which means we have to add to resolve if we want to stop that. So about the only thing they have which is made interuptable is choke, which you can't do when you're on the receiving end.... nice. All the while mercs and sorcs have to suffer a cavalcade of interrupts.... and don't have the game breaking defensive cds that lolrauders have, and yeah you have to cast to do damage, and they make it easy for a knight/warrior just to leap to you, and bingo just like that in melee range, doing damage with a root, and an interrupt on top. Yep that's balance for you. :rolleyes:


Every change they ever make towards that class convinces me (like I need convincing now) that biofail play knights and warriors, and are skilless idiots that make these changes so they can perform well in a wz. Nothing else even comes close to explain where Rage spec is right now.


I think they only class that can actually call itself ranged is sniper, sorcs and mercs are supposed to be, but in reality they got nothing to prevent fighting in melee range. Melee still have 30m attacks even if you do root/kb them, and they just close the gap again. Just look at the nerf to stun range, what's that all about? Utter joke.

Edited by Chemic_al
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yeah, because warriors and knights, especially lolrauders haven't been roflstomping wzs for months on end now? They aren't exactly slackers in PvE dps and utility either.


And btw, I was responding to the guy saying that they have no means of interrupting outside of leap, because I'm all for removing the absurd bonuses knights and warriors get at the moment. I don't know any other class that gets their 3 second channel made uninteruptable from the get go (master strike/ravage) which means we have to add to resolve if we want to stop that. So about the only thing they have which is made interuptable is choke, which you can't do when you're on the receiving end.... nice. All the while mercs and sorcs have to suffer a cavalcade of interrupts.... and don't have the game breaking defensive cds that lolrauders have, and yeah you have to cast to do damage, and they make it easy for a knight/warrior just to leap to you, and bingo just like that in melee range, doing damage with a root, and an interrupt on top. Yep that's balance for you. :rolleyes:


Every change they ever make towards that class convinces me (like I need convincing now) that biofail play knights and warriors, and are skilless idiots that make these changes so they can perform well in a wz. Nothing else even comes close to explain where Rage spec is right now.


I think they only class that can actually call itself ranged is sniper, sorcs and mercs are supposed to be, but in reality they got nothing to prevent fighting in melee range. Melee still have 30m attacks even if you do root/kb them, and they just close the gap again. Just look at the nerf to stun range, what's that all about? Utter joke.




And ours is not interruptable because it's melee range.

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