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Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle (Account)


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This has been offered up as a suggestion for a long time and i dont think it has even been looked at by BW, it would be quite hard/impossible to implement now anyway.


If they had actually tried to make this game inovative during development (rather than copy/pasting from other games) they could have given each class a core set of abilities - force, BH tech, trooper tech, etc. Then given specific abilities to weapon types so if your BH had a blaster rifle he would get extra abililites for that weapon on top of his core powers and so on for different weapon types. Restrictions like lightsabres for force users only etc could be thrown in aswell.


They took the copy and paste route though.......

Edited by SWaotc
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This has been offered up as a suggestion for a long time and i dont think it has even been looked at by BW, it would be quite hard/impossible to implement now anyway.

It's already been done: http://www.torhead.com/npc/h33Sh1d/kaliyo


Kaliyo Djannis

Species: Rattataki

Primary Stat: Aim

Secondary Stat: Endurance

Primary Weapon: Blaster Rifle or Blaster Pistol

Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator


The Agent's first companion with zero Legacy unlocks can already throw on the heavy armor and pick up a blaster rifle, and tank like a Bounty Hunter - so there is no real reason other than cosmetic flavor why PCs cannot do what NPCs can.


In keeping with my love for Bounty Hunters I offer this screenshot:


There are four classes in this game, and as a subset of those there are eight advanced classes. A Bounty Hunter / Powertech is the same as a Trooper / Vanguard. Their only difference is the flavor text over the top, and the Proficiency they are granted. I see no real reason why they can't put an unlock in place to allow people more cosmetic variety in their wielded weaponry.

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It's already been done: http://www.torhead.com/npc/h33Sh1d/kaliyo


Kaliyo Djannis

Species: Rattataki

Primary Stat: Aim

Secondary Stat: Endurance

Primary Weapon: Blaster Rifle or Blaster Pistol

Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator


The Agent's first companion with zero Legacy unlocks can already throw on the heavy armor and pick up a blaster rifle, and tank like a Bounty Hunter - so there is no real reason other than cosmetic flavor why PCs cannot do what NPCs can.


In keeping with my love for Bounty Hunters I offer this screenshot:


There are four classes in this game, and as a subset of those there are eight advanced classes. A Bounty Hunter / Powertech is the same as a Trooper / Vanguard. Their only difference is the flavor text over the top, and the Proficiency they are granted. I see no real reason why they can't put an unlock in place to allow people more cosmetic variety in their wielded weaponry.


To be fair, there ARE quite a few animations that would have to at least be subbed out with alternate ones if, say, a bounty hunter were to be able to use rifles. Therein lies the "work" in the project. They still may have to adapt several animations, even if they're borrowed, to avoid having it look all wonked up. And I'm ok with that.


As far as your screenshot of the powertech holding a blaster rifle in the item preview window... that means very little. You can do the same thing with a lightsaber, vibroblade, opposing class armor or whatever. That window defaults to "generic doppelgänger" mode and doesn't take into account your actual class, spec, or skills.

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To be fair, there ARE quite a few animations that would have to at least be subbed out with alternate ones if, say, a bounty hunter were to be able to use rifles. Therein lies the "work" in the project. They still may have to adapt several animations, even if they're borrowed, to avoid having it look all wonked up. And I'm ok with that.


As far as your screenshot of the powertech holding a blaster rifle in the item preview window... that means very little. You can do the same thing with a lightsaber, vibroblade, opposing class armor or whatever. That window defaults to "generic doppelgänger" mode and doesn't take into account your actual class, spec, or skills.

They really shouldn't have to adapt any animations since with the legacy system any character can be any race and therefore any model can wield any weapon or armor... which is why we only have generic humanoid races to begin with. I suspect that it's not actually a generic model mode in the item preview window. It doesn't *need* my class, spec, or skills to display me going through the animations.


Now obviously I don't know what their code looks like. If I can insert some pseudo-code, why couldn't it be something similar to:


function_DefaultAttack {
IF (PlayerClass == BountyHunter.*) {
    IF (PlayerWeapon == AssaultCannon) { AnimateDefaultAttack(AssaultCannon); }
    IF (PlayerWeapon == BlasterPistol) { AnimateDefaultAttack(BlasterPistol); }
    IF (PlayerWeapon == BlasterRifle) { AnimateDefaultAttack(BlasterRifle); }
    IF (PlayerWeapon == Scattergun) { AnimateDefaultAttack(Scattergun); }
    IF (PlayerWeapon == SniperRifle) { AnimateDefaultAttack(SniperRifle); }
    } ELSE {
IF (PlayerClass == Trooper.*) {
    IF (PlayerWeapon == AssaultCannon) { AnimateDefaultAttack(AssaultCannon); }
    IF (PlayerWeapon == BlasterPistol) { AnimateDefaultAttack(BlasterPistol); }
    IF (PlayerWeapon == BlasterRifle) { AnimateDefaultAttack(BlasterRifle); }
    IF (PlayerWeapon == Scattergun) { AnimateDefaultAttack(Scattergun); }
    IF (PlayerWeapon == SniperRifle) { AnimateDefaultAttack(SniperRifle); }

* Note: that is quick, dirty, and barely code. It could be cleaner and leaner, and actual code too. For example only, do not use in an unintended manner. I am not responsible for any damage incidental or direct to your computer or the goblins and unicorns now living inside it.


But what about Rail Shot vs. High Impact Bolt you ask? What of it? The Bounty Hunter will continue to animate the rail shot from their offhand as they do currently and the Trooper will animate the High Impact Bolt from their weapon. That may need a little work depending on how their code is written since the Bounty Hunter's arm is a constant once you create the character but different weapons have different barrel lengths and muzzle points. Because that is already an issue though I don't think it would be a factor for this idea.

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They really shouldn't have to adapt any animations since with the legacy system any character can be any race and therefore any model can wield any weapon or armor... which is why we only have generic humanoid races to begin with. I suspect that it's not actually a generic model mode in the item preview window. It doesn't *need* my class, spec, or skills to display me going through the animations.


Now obviously I don't know what their code looks like. If I can insert some pseudo-code, why couldn't it be something similar to:


function_DefaultAttack {
IF (PlayerClass == BountyHunter.*) {
    IF (PlayerWeapon == AssaultCannon) { AnimateDefaultAttack(AssaultCannon); }
    IF (PlayerWeapon == BlasterPistol) { AnimateDefaultAttack(BlasterPistol); }
    IF (PlayerWeapon == BlasterRifle) { AnimateDefaultAttack(BlasterRifle); }
    IF (PlayerWeapon == Scattergun) { AnimateDefaultAttack(Scattergun); }
    IF (PlayerWeapon == SniperRifle) { AnimateDefaultAttack(SniperRifle); }
    } ELSE {
IF (PlayerClass == Trooper.*) {
    IF (PlayerWeapon == AssaultCannon) { AnimateDefaultAttack(AssaultCannon); }
    IF (PlayerWeapon == BlasterPistol) { AnimateDefaultAttack(BlasterPistol); }
    IF (PlayerWeapon == BlasterRifle) { AnimateDefaultAttack(BlasterRifle); }
    IF (PlayerWeapon == Scattergun) { AnimateDefaultAttack(Scattergun); }
    IF (PlayerWeapon == SniperRifle) { AnimateDefaultAttack(SniperRifle); }

* Note: that is quick, dirty, and barely code. It could be cleaner and leaner, and actual code too. For example only, do not use in an unintended manner. I am not responsible for any damage incidental or direct to your computer or the goblins and unicorns now living inside it.


But what about Rail Shot vs. High Impact Bolt you ask? What of it? The Bounty Hunter will continue to animate the rail shot from their offhand as they do currently and the Trooper will animate the High Impact Bolt from their weapon. That may need a little work depending on how their code is written since the Bounty Hunter's arm is a constant once you create the character but different weapons have different barrel lengths and muzzle points. Because that is already an issue though I don't think it would be a factor for this idea.


Don't get me wrong, I completely agree with you form a standpoint of wanting more variety in the way I dispense righteous indignations on those that stand before me. However I don't know what kind of a hack job their code looks like. We already see half a dozen bugs pop up just because they give us the option of unifying our companion colors. There's lots of things I think they COULD do, but it would be only speculation on my part.

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Don't get me wrong, I completely agree with you form a standpoint of wanting more variety in the way I dispense righteous indignations on those that stand before me. However I don't know what kind of a hack job their code looks like. We already see half a dozen bugs pop up just because they give us the option of unifying our companion colors. There's lots of things I think they COULD do, but it would be only speculation on my part.

It seems more often than not you and I see eye to eye, but like to bring up various considerations or points of concern. If only every discussion could happen this way... alas, this is the Internet and the tubes are mostly blocked by sht.


What you say is also true. I wish the sidebar still showed account registration dates, mine was October of 2008... I see the same damn bugs from beta I have reports for existing today, yet they still want more money from everyone. Some companies don't transition well from a Single Player game where they can say "Here's our game, we hope you like it" to a MMO where it's more of "We'll continue to build your game so long as you buy it (monthly!)". For a MMO to be long term successful it has to cater to the player wants first, not the developers and certainly not the publishers. Anything other than that and you're just riding the wave to the grave. WoW has had a good long run. The original Asheron's Call is still delivering what players want, and still has a loyal following. SWTOR has some dedicated supporters, but not nearly as many as there used to be. I'm talking about dedicated, long term, vocal, recurring paying supporters. Not this month's subscription numbers after a $5 sale of leftover boxed clients at retail outlets.

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It seems more often than not you and I see eye to eye, but like to bring up various considerations or points of concern. If only every discussion could happen this way... alas, this is the Internet and the tubes are mostly blocked by sht.


What you say is also true. I wish the sidebar still showed account registration dates, mine was October of 2008... I see the same damn bugs from beta I have reports for existing today, yet they still want more money from everyone. Some companies don't transition well from a Single Player game where they can say "Here's our game, we hope you like it" to a MMO where it's more of "We'll continue to build your game so long as you buy it (monthly!)". For a MMO to be long term successful it has to cater to the player wants first, not the developers and certainly not the publishers. Anything other than that and you're just riding the wave to the grave. WoW has had a good long run. The original Asheron's Call is still delivering what players want, and still has a loyal following. SWTOR has some dedicated supporters, but not nearly as many as there used to be. I'm talking about dedicated, long term, vocal, recurring paying supporters. Not this month's subscription numbers after a $5 sale of leftover boxed clients at retail outlets.


Well, while this is really off topic, I'm willing to continue to give the game a chance through the end of the year (barring anything truly outlandish). I did take a break from the game for roughly 3 or 4 months but it was mostly due to low pop servers and boredom. That and I was running a guild over in Pandaland (apologies all around). Having stepped down from my role there, I'm back and having more fun with the game now than I was at launch. The cartel store gives me some options I want, which are mostly early access to legacy unlocks, and some neat toys if I want to blow the money. I honestly think the prices in the cartel store are quite high. Not unreasonably so. But high none the less. So I mostly try to get my cartel gear either on sale or from the GTN.


All that said, the game has only been out for a year. And a rocky one at that. Some of that rough time was due to EAWare and some of it was the general downturn in the economy. But regardless, I feel the game has done much better from a "new MMO" perspective than WoW did with its multi day (sometimes a week) server crashes and maintenance cycles for the first couple years of its life. I believe SWTOR with get there eventually, providing it can remain financially viable for the EAmpire and as such, I'm taking a cautiously optimistic standpoint on the forums.


So cheers and thank you for the kind words.


On with the thread!

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Jango Fett used a pistol.

and... he also used two. It is widely accepted that Mercs are based around Jango and Powertechs are based around Boba. I guess you could argue that based on canon Bounty Hunters should be proficient with multiple firearms.


Also, Darth Maul used a double bladed lightsaber, and when it was cut in half he used a single. Maybe Inquisitor tanks shouldn't be forced to use a double bladed saber for tanking. I guess you could argue that based on canon Sith or Jedi should be proficient with multiple styles of lightsaber combat.

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