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Another patch that breaks more than it fixes.


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More like understanding that MMOs take years to get perfect, and truly never are, and dont feel like getting on the forums every day and CRYING, because they have bugs, which EVERY MMO has...


seriously....you people get on these forums and complain to be part of some club. Will never understand what drives you people, but then again, i never understood trolls either...kinda the same thing


Tell me another game with these kind of bugs going unfixed for months? I know every game has it's bugs but stupid embarrassing bugs like this game going unanswered for months and every patch introducing a new stupid embarrassing bug that does not get fixed? Give me examples from other games, I'm really curious.


I mean come on dude, if there is anything that can be allowed to remain bugged it is NOT lightsabers in a Star Wars game. It is also not anything that effects the looks of our characters (companions included) and it is damn sure not game stability that is making it impossible for some people to even play.


Come on give me the examples in other games. I've been around, I know how things work and in any game I've ever been a part of, when a embarrassing bug emerges it becomes a all hands on deck to get the thing fixed immediately, now, that day if possible but in no circumstance will it be allowed to persist for months.


They fixed that little stupid embarrassing bug causing us to un/re equip our companions a few weeks back in only a day. They have shown then can fix bugs and I gave them credit for that but some of these other bugs, unfixed in patch after patch? I can't for anything understand why not or at the very least explaining to us why not. I might be a little more understanding if I knew why but hell no, they wont even give us that courtesy.

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