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Complete and Polish Existing Systems Please


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One of the frustrating things about this game at times is how thrown together so many of the game systems seem, instead of fun they become aggravating. This is my request to spend more time working on polishing up these systems and many of the long term and persistent bugs.


Ability Delay - While much better then it used to be, its still very much there. When the UI shows the ability is ready to fire and not on CD or GCD and I hit the button, it should go off. When a channel timer shows I have completed a channel, I should be rewarded with the result. Just today I was in Voidstar, had 100% completed the channel to plant a bomb, and the first hit after that interrupted the supposedly completed channel. If we can't rely on the UI to give us accurate information about the game it becomes frustrating to play it.


Codex - this could have been an interesting and fun secondary activity, like Datacrons, but its so bugged and incomplete its near impossible to get tell what entries are obtainable and what aren't. Could have been a cool exploration system for the game, but all you will get currently is frustration. Polish it up and make class Codex entries legacy wide, so as you find them you can see it across characters.


Gear Modification System - This could have been a great personalization system, but the majority of the games gear is excluded from it just by not being modable. A lot of gear is also restricted form companions because they are considered their own class and can't wear class restricted gear. Set bonuses are tied to to the shell for the first 3 tiers of gear, meaning you have to choose between looks and power. Except for War Hero and Dread Guard you can't even pull mods from Belts and Bracers, making all the orange ones added a bit pointless. Many original non-crafted modable gear sets still don't have matching wrist/waist items, like Master Medic gear. And Droid Parts don't have slots assigned to them, so you can't pull high level armoring from gear that is otherwise useless to put into them.


Crew Skills - if you don't do OPS these are mostly outmoded except for leveling gear and augments/augment slots. The whole system needs some thought given to it, and other systems, like Gear Modification, shouldn't be held back to keep a poor system from becoming worse. I've played a lot of MMOs, and many don't get crafting right on the first go, don't let crafting keep other systems from being great as a lame attempt to support it. As you add more companions it would also be nice to see more missions be available at once, longer missions like discussed at the Guild Summit, and allow us to send our current number of companions -1 out at the same time.


Companions - Make companion Restricted gear all fully modable, their starter sets especially are very unique and its a bummer to have to put them in the same gear everyone else and their companions are wearing. Put these full sets with no mods into crates sold on the Companion customization vendors so we can go back and get them later. Fix the stance bug where companions in a stance don't holster their weapon correctly. This has been broken since what, like 1.2? Fix it where if you have 3 members in you group the chosen companion that is out doesn't get dismissed all the time. Make tank companions not be so terrible with horrid DPS and terrible mitigation. A healer should be able to chose a tank companion and not be overwhelmed trying to keep it alive while not having any GCDs left to add some DPS in, so the group of mobs take forever to die. If you are concerned about Companions tanking actual FP/OPS then give the bosses there a buff that won't let them, but there is a better spot between Over powered and Under Powered then we are currently at.


Starships - Polish up the interior designs and space usage of the ships. Jedi ships are missing companion quarters, force user ships don't all have a mediation space. A galley, head, and training room would all be nice too. Companions are always standing in one spot, have them move around working unless they have a conversation. Let us decide where unlocks are placed in the ship. Make the interior space make sense when compared to the outside of the ship, like the Sith ship is missing an engine room and the front to back space is much shorter then the ship. Holoterminals are too prominent considering the amount of time they are used. Garage space like the Ebon Hawk had so we can display a favorite speeder or two, and maybe in the future our swoop bike/pod racer.


Making the existing systems better, in addition to new content, will help the game be more inviting and more personal.

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