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+10 All Stats Datacron Run....Imperial. 3-5pm, Sun, 16 Dec.


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<Widowmakers> is hosting a +10 All Stats Imperial Datacron run free to the public. This 3pm run is being held in cooperation with the <Old Timers Guild> free 5pm Republic run.


This run is a completely free run as long as you know the secret password.


You don't need the red Corellian crystal or the MGGS grappling hook gun, just skim over our abridged guide and then head on over to the museum on the Ziost Shadow at the imperial fleet to get your 'cron.


Once there, look for Baynne, Elrand or Aucka and you will be invited into our operation group and guided to the hoisting spot. When your turn comes you will be hoisted by a sorc using "extricate" to a safe ledge and then hoisted again to the final balcony where you can jog over to get your +10 to all stats datacron. There is no combat in this operation so you can be any level but only lvl 50s can actually click on the datacron to get the perma buffs.


All you have to do is tell one of our officers the secret password which is WidowmakersGuild.com!


To make this a really smooth and quick run for all requires about 10 support personnel including at least two pairs of sorcs with the extricate skill due to cooldowns. Any volunteers as guides or hoisters is appreciated.


Feel free to join us on our public vent channel.


The imperial side of this run will end at 5pm when <Old Timers Guild> starts their free run on the republic side.


For info contact Cogar/Baynne, Elrand or Aucka or visit our forums at WidowmakersGuild.com.

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