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A Story for Recruitment


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Hello everyone. My Sith Sorcerer's name is Kharnn and I belong to a Rolelpaying guild called "The Crimson guard". We are a band of subordinate Sith players who have gathered together to serve as the protectors of an even higher order. Through this, I have met a cast of good, solid characters. I would like to advertise this guild for any of those seeking to be recruited into our society of roleplayers through a story of myself and my IC rival, Rixxe.


I hope you enjoy it, and if it peeks your interest, seek us out on Korriban and just whispier either of us for more information on joining.




Kharnn stood alone against his opponent, letting his servant sit it out from the side. Slowly, he reached down into his robes to find his lightsaber. Despite the sweat and heat of the climate on Korriban, the one constant that he could always rely on was the cool steel that always remained the same. As he reached out from his weapon, his offhand began to crackle with Sith lightning. Ever-charging, it crackled and even leapt into the ground before he could completely unsheathe his saber.


Ahead of him, Rixxe remained calm and focused. Kharnn could tell that Rixxe’s eyes were seething with contempt, and he could also tell that he was letting it fuel him. Truly, he was a worthy rival for such spars.


His saber ready, the green glow of it contrasted the barren red that surrounded him, there on Korriban. Green lightsabers were rare things among the Sith, but even rarer still was a Sith Master that permitted such things on their pupils. Fortunately for Kharnn, his master was anything but ordinary. Now prepared, Kharnn slowly waved the lightsaber to his side, and faced his palm towards his opponent. Rixxe, recognizing Kharnn’s stance all too well, moved his dual red lightsaber behind him as he was taught.


A brisk wind began to rush through the training grounds then, the dust picking up and carrying off into the valleys beyond. Both rivals let the dust do what it may though, for they were both collecting their wits and their minds for the upcoming fight that was to commence. Once the wind had settled, they could hear a shuttle landing off away in the distance. "Another shuttle with more acolytes, acolytes that would follow the same footsteps as they had before reaching the academy", though Kharnn to himself.


“ATTACK!” shouted the Master.


Swiftly, Rixxe began to the first charge. Before Kharnn could assess his attack, a swift blast of energy thrusted itself into his chest and electricity began to pour out of his body. Stunning every muscle fiber in his being, he was immobile and unable to defend himself. However, he had sparred with Rixxe before and he recognized this attack, an attack that was often an opening moved used by his rival. Reaching within himself, Kharnn dispersed the electricity with a swift swirl of the force.


He saw no man before him now, but he knew better. Rixxe was an assassin of the Sith Order, and Kharnn had never met a better Sith more adept at melding into the shadows as Rixxe. Kharnn’s looked around himself with his eyes, which were wary, to scan the grounds around him as he looked for his enemy. The dark side of the force worked well for hiding one’s senses, and Rixxe knew how to play that to his advantage.


Seeing no-one, Kharnn closed his eyes then. He had to find a way to discover him…perhaps…


Taking his chance, Rixxe leapt up into the air from behind Kharnn! His dual lightsaber, raised above him in fury, was prepared to thrust forward into the chest of his rival. Finally, it would be done, finally his ascension as the Master’s sole apprentice would be complete


Kharnn was ready though, and before Rixxe could realize what had happened, the force pushed him away several feet from his rival. The red dust, as well, lifted up from the ground and surrounded Kharnn. It clouded Rixxe’s sight of him, but it was just as well for Rixxe had to gather himself before making another attempt at attack.


“You think me a fool, rival?”, taunted Kharnn from the dust cloud. Rixxe squinted his eyes in disgust at the words, but kept his quiet resolve. Assassins were taught never to make a sound when striving for a target and Rixxe was taught no exception. Patting off his robes as he came to a rise, Rixxe was suddenly caught off guard as Kharnn began to rush towards him. As Rixxe adjusted his grip on his lightsaber, Kharnn burst out a flash of lightning towards him. Rixxe deflected the attack, but by doing so he had to move his lightsaber away from his body to see the lightning deflected completely.


Kharnn knew that he had the advantage now, and began his attack with a surge of lightning that streamed out from his hands. Also, because he was in such short range of his target, he knew that he was able to lift his target from the ground. Smiling the entire time from under the hood of his robes, Kharnn began to surge his lightning stream into Rixxe. Higher and higher did his rival rise into the air, but Kharnn knew that Rixxe was strong and worthy. This attack would not be enough to lay him into the dust for good.


Ironically, after such a thought, Kharnn’s eyes looked in horror was Rixxe began to create a static barrier around his being. As it grew to envelope him, so too did it begin to soak up Kharnn’s Sith energies. Such a defense was often the trademark of their Master. Unlike Kharnn though, Rixxe had his own ways of using such defenses as attacks. Unable to lift him with his energies anymore, Rixxe used seized Kharnn’s shocked state of mind to perform a little rush of his own! Coming down hard and fast, Rixxe’s dual lightsaber began to flash into action! Swirling his body acrobatically and striking violently, Rixxe used his entire body to create his attacks and to catch his enemy off guard. Kharnn, not nearly as skilled in hand to hand Melee, began to lose grounds against Rixxe while desperately deflecting his lightsaber strikes with his own.


Strike after strike, Rixxe thought for sure that he was about to win the fight. Little did he remember though that Kharnn, too, knew a great deal of the same tricks as he. Though the flurry of his blows remained a blur, only when Kharnn lowered his lightsaber to his side did Rixxe see that his blows weren’t being deflected by his opponent’s lightsaber anymore, but his barrier. Staring within the barrier with a mask of confusion on his face, Kharnn took that chance to begin his technique. Clinching his off hand’s fist hard, Kharnn incited the power of his bloodline into his limb. Dark energy began to pour out from his fingertips, and terrible Sith lightning began to emerge from it as well. Powerful as it appeared though, everyone who was watching this duel knew that Kharnn could not control such power yet. Thus so, he did the only thing he knew he could do with it. A scowl of pain covered Kharnn’s face then, and his barrier dropped from around. Kharnn knew that he could only manage a melee attack.


Rixxe, therefore, received a solid punch in the face.


Reveling back from the blow, Rixxe was sent soaring into the air from the attack. He, however, did not take as much damage as he had expected to take, and thus landed squarely back on his feet from the drop. Blood did begin to drip from his lip though, a solid sign that his “disposition” was about to greatly worsen. Wiping some of said blood from his face, Rixxe ritualistically marked it on his weapon and began to make a quick chant to himself. After a few seconds passed, Rixxe’s lightsaber too begin to glow with Sith lightning!


Kharnn, with his attack finished and his powers spent, began to kneel down from his exhaustion. He knew he shouldn’t have resorted to such foolish measures, but the Master’s eyes were watching and he did not want to disappoint. He did not want to hold back. Not that he hadn’t, he was to lose. His arrogant action may have very well have cost him the spar. Rixxe begin to charge forward now, knowing full well that his victory was at hand. “Kharnn is never out in the field enough”, he thought to himself with a grin. “He is always inside the Academy or with Master. Always talking, always learning. Strengthening his mind he says! Ha! He should be strengthening his wits if he hopes to outmaneuver me!”


Taking his thoughts to heart, Rixxe began his charge with a fierce scream that rocks the training ground around them. His dual lightsaber poured with Sith energy, his eyes began to glow crimson and fierce. He had broken his resolve, but so too had he broken his foe. “A fair trade, no?”, thought Rixxe with delight. Closer and closer now, Rixxe’s lightsaber was but seconds away from plunging into Kharnn’s torso and ridding himself of the rival once and for all.


“For the Master!”, screamed Rixxe!


(End of Chapter 1)




Again, if you like what you read and wish to make a role for yourself in this story, feel free to contact Kharnn, Rixxe, or Nitilus in game!

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