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Battle Hall on carrick station


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Carrick Station needs a Battle Hall! This would be an instanced area where groups (up to maximum Ops group size) can enter to fight in an arena setting against semi-randomly generated droids and/or beasts found around the galaxy ... Rakghouls, Nexu, etc. The battles would be designed as a momentary aside from stagnant life on Carrick because of crafting or waiting for Group Finder to pop. Rather than make it available in Group Finder, I would suggest putting Battle Hall terminals in a central location in Carrick, anywhere that there seems to be an empty bunch of space in the station where an arena could fit.

  • group leader can choose random enemies (always same level as group, any toughness, random quantity)
  • ...or group leader chooses exact toughness/quantity of enemies
  • battles are only 1 wave and are designed to last 5-10 minutes, which depends on the toughness setting
  • there should be a few random functional objects in the room, such as exlodable barrels, or terminals that do something clever like trigger a flame burst somewhere along the floor
  • instant mission reward should be at least 1 Tionese comm/crystal... Boss level missions could reward 1 Columi comm, with perhaps even a highest difficulty setting to earn 1 BH comm

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Yes, this idea is for PvE features only. I think there are likely a lot more people than you think who don't ever touch the PvP features in SWToR. Enhancing the PvE features independently of any PvP features should be an equal priority.
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Yes, this idea is for PvE features only. I think there are likely a lot more people than you think who don't ever touch the PvP features in SWToR. Enhancing the PvE features independently of any PvP features should be an equal priority.


I couldn't agree more, pvp should be made of a much higher priority as theyve concentrated on the pve side of the game for far too long. Weve only had 1.6 to speak of pvp wise.

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I couldn't agree more, pvp should be made of a much higher priority as theyve concentrated on the pve side of the game for far too long. Weve only had 1.6 to speak of pvp wise.


NOT TRUE. Well now you know I meant the exact opposite. Your statement about 1.6 is fictitious; 1.2 added a new WarZone, Novare Coast. And the most recent update, Ancient Hypergate, had only PvP improvements and no PvE improvements, so if anything the next update should add an FP or an Op, if you're requiring there be a balance between PvE and PvP additions.


MORE THAN TWO HALVES. You can't classify everything that isn't PvP as the "other half" of the game, and then suggest that PvP be given the same priority as that. The core game (planet missions and class missions) happens to be non-PvP, and could only be thus without being a logistical failure. However, those can't count as what you would call the "PvE side" of the game. The PvE side of the game is only FPs and Ops, and the rest of those features are a third classification, world content. World content is missions such as planetary missions, Black Hole dailies, class missions, companion missions, and Heroic Space Missions. In order to level your character completely, you have to actually play a lot of the world content, otherwise you don't receive the hidden bonuses to your stats.


BE FAIR AND BALANCED. In the last year, there have been 2 of each added to the game: 2 FPs, 2 Ops, and 2 WZs. It seems quite balanced if you go by the numbers... however you should take note of the fact that all new PvE content (Kaon Under Siege, Lost Island, Explosive Conflict, Terror From Beyond) is actually only for PvE players level 50+, whereas the new PvP content is enjoyable by ALL PvP players. Considering this I think it's valid to say that PvP has received the more attention, and in fact there should be a focus back towards PvE to enhance it for the leveling players. If someone is a leveling player (<50) and only plays PvE, they maybe don't even notice that for themselves there have been NO PvE IMPROVEMENTS to the game whatsoever in the entire year since launch... when in fact all PvP players received 2 new WarZones to play. It's quite fair to say that attention is owed to the under-50 PvE environment, and I would suggest something like a PvE Battle Hall that can be enjoyed by PvE players of any level. In fact, it makes sense that a Battle Hall could also have a mini PvP arena where basic PvP scenarios of 5-10 minutes could also be played, but that's not my focus of suggestion. I think BioWare owes PvE enhancements to the game far before PvP improvements.


BE EXCELLENT. An even better idea that I've just thought of, after ruminating all these factors of the game, is that a hybrid PvP/PvE battle environment could be extraordinary. I would unofficially call it a WarZone Operation, and it would involve each faction having a conglomerate team (2 Ops groups?) that is half PvP forces, and half PvE forces, and the objectives are arranged such that winning or losing depends on both the PvE battle and the PvP battle. I'm going to post a separate thread on this because it's a much larger idea than just a Battle Hall.

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